
Monday, October 31, 2011

Rite Aid Voluntarily Recalls 12 oz. Tins of Rich Fields Butter Cookies

Rite Aid Voluntarily Recalls 12 oz. Tins of Rich Fields Butter Cookies Rite Aid has initiated a voluntary chainwide recall of approximately 85,000 tins of butter cookies distributed by Rite Aid under the Rich Fields brand name because of the possibility of contamination with Bacillus cereus. This microorganism may cause diarrhea, nausea and/or vomiting; however, the possibility of serious adverse health consequences is remote....

Home Security Tips you Can Teach your Kids

Home Security Tips you Can Teach your Kids Unfortunately we live in a world where security needs to be taken seriously. Our society is very security conscious and this is supported by the large quantities of security products that are sold throughout the world. Making sure your children know basic home security tips and are aware of what to do in the case of an emergency is an area that no parent would like to think of, however,...

Friday, October 28, 2011

Student gift ideas

Student gift ideas You’ve been dreading it since they were born; it just feels like yesterday that you were changing their nappy, but there comes the time when parents must let their children loose on the big bad world. When kids move out of the family home to move to university it’s can be difficult for a parent to let them go. Parents need...

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

LeapFrog Party Goers Leaping With Excitement

LeapFrog Party Goers Leaping With Excitement I recently had the great pleasure of hosting a LeapFrog Learn, Create, and Share Party with my mom's group and their kids. The Learn, Create and Share party included great LeapFrog products including the LeapFrog Tag Reader with corresponding Interactive World Map and Learn to Read Series 1 book...

Xia-Xia: Collectible Hermit Crabs Review and Giveaway

Xia-Xia: Collectible Hermit Crabs Review and Giveaway From the makers of Zhu-Zhu pets and Dagedar come the next Hottest Holiday Toy! About Xia-Xia Welcome to a place where every day is Carnival with Xia-Xia (pronounced Shah-Shah), new colorful, collectible hermit crabs.  Xia-Xia combine the lovable charm of a real hermit crab but add...

How to Keep the Kids Entertained While Outdoors

How to Keep the Kids Entertained While Outdoors You really should encourage your children to play outside, even if it is raining.  Not only is the fresh air good for them they should get plenty of Vitamin D, which they get from sunlight, which can help stop from them from getting sick.  During summer when it is really hot make sure they have somewhere shaded to play, and even on rainy days there is a retractable awning...

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Toddler Toys that Teach

Toddler Toys that Teach At the young ages, children are sponges that learn everything around them. It is our job as parents to nourish that learning and provide the tools they need to excel later in life. In the busy world we live in, not every parent has the time or opportunity to teach their children the basics needed to prepare them for...

Monday, October 24, 2011


overheadGuest post written by my buddy Franklin Davenport When I decided to cut back my hours at work and work only part-time so that I could spend more time with the children at home, I looked around at our monthly bills to see if I could cut our overhead. There were a few things that I felt that we were over paying for, and I was right. I looked into home security providers and found a provider that offered a much better...

Keeping Our Children Safe in the Car

Keeping Our Children Safe in the Car We would all like to think we are the best parents that we can be. But when I read a blog post some time back it was surprising how it stuck with me longer than most I have read. I thought since it has stuck, it would be a good idea to share it with you. The topic of the post was something that is important...

Friday, October 21, 2011

Purchase A Glow Crazy Distance Doodler Get A FREE Glow Glove

Purchase A Glow Crazy Distance Doodler Get A FREE Glow GloveBuy a Glow Crazy Distance Doodler from Walmart, Toys R Us or any local retailer on Saturday Oct 22nd or Sunday Oct 23rd and send in your receipt, UPC from the box and the shipping form to Glow Crazy, 150 Elm Street, East Aurora, NY 14052. Once we have received those items...

Keeping Up With The Daily Deal Craze

Keeping Up With The Daily Deal Craze I love deals!  I hate paying retail for anything. I use coupons every chance I get.  I am a member of no less that a dozen online sample sale sites and I have gone crazy for all of the Daily deal sites that keep popping up.  One might say I have an addiction to saving money.  Honestly, who doesn't love saving 50-90% on everything from shopping, to food, to entertainment,...

5 Top Family Camping Activities

5 Top Family Camping Activities Family camping is a fun and budget-friendly way to spend quality time together, whether taking a lengthy vacation or just spending the weekend at a local campground. Family-friendly campgrounds abound in state and national parks, scenic and recreation areas, and near most towns and cities. For time-tested enjoyment, try these top 5 family camping activities, which have provided pleasure during...

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Prepare Yourself for the Halloween with Funny Costumes

Prepare Yourself for the Halloween with Funny Costumes Time flies really fast. You wouldn’t realize it but one day you would wake up and it’s already Halloween. Would you let yourself be caught off guard without an epic costume to wear? Of course, costume is one of the most fun highlights of the Halloween season and you cannot fully enjoy it without participating in costume parties. So as early as now, you can try getting your...

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

It's Not To Late to Order Your Halloween Costume

 It's Not To Late to Order Your Halloween Costume  Halloween is right around the corner and with Wholesale Halloween Costumes, it is not to late to order yours! There are so many online Halloween costume shops and it would take forever to research which on has the best prices but Wholesale Halloween Costumes is among the top contenders...

10 easy Halloween decorations to make with your kids

10 easy Halloween decorations to make with your kids Halloween is right around the corner, and it is certainly one of the most festive seasons of the year. There aren't many holidays that lend themselves to such creative and fun decorating ideas. You can use Halloween as a way to spend more time with your children and make fun decorations for the season with them. There are several unique Halloween decorations that are available...

She Used To Be So Sweet

She Used To Be So Sweet Guest Blog by Rosa Ziv on Over 30 MommyAuthor of “A Farewell to Horizontal Stripes” a personal blog about being over 50, divorced and independent and still looking for Mr. Right in the back of the fridge.Just when you thought life was easy, your daughter hits adolescence.  You survived the boys. They were either...

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

No Need for Coupons & Vouchers with these Useful Home Remedies

No Need for Coupons and Vouchers with these Useful Home Remedies When was the last time you felt so unwell? Have you had episodes of extreme fatigue and exhaustion? Are you always worrying about your health? How healthy is your lifestyle? Theses questions are simple enough, but the answers to them will reveal a number of things worthy of our time. Just when you thought that you are completely in control, something comes...

Searching Online for Vintage Kitchen Accessories

Searching Online for Vintage Kitchen Accessories Searching online for vintage accessories can be a snap. The World Wide Web has expanded consumers’ ability to shop and access the items that they want instantly. All you need is access to a computer that has an Internet connection and you are all set! However, there are a few things that you should keep in mind while searching for vintage kitchen accessories online. 1. Be Prepared....

Monday, October 17, 2011

Don’t Let Loans and Mortgages Stress You Out

Don’t Let Loans and Mortgages Stress You OutAs an insurance advisor and financial planner, I meet many people, plenty of whom let me peek at their income and expenses and ask me for improvement ideas. Over the years, I started recognizing certain patterns in the way we earn and spend. I would like to share with you my list of financial savers people overlook, and I explain how easy it is to make them work in your favour. It’s...

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