
Saturday, March 31, 2012

Thumbuddy to Love Review and Giveaway

Thumbuddy to Love Review and Giveaway

Before my daughter was born my husband and I made the decision that we would lot use a pacifier. Apparently she made the same decision in the womb because in just about all of her ultrasound pictures she was sucking her thumb.

At first I thought that this would work out great because I heard horror stories from other parents about losing the pacifier and the crisis that ensued afterwards.  At the beginning it was so adorable to see my tiny baby with thumb in mouth, happily content sucking away while she snoozed.

I had read about how thumb sucking could affect her teeth, how she chews, swallows and even talks.  So I knew that I would eventually have to curtail the thumb sucking but I held out hope that she would grow out of it on her own.  I also noticed how she seemed to easily get cold after cold and it seemed to be linked to her thumb sucking since she was continually touching things then putting her thumb in her mouth.

After her third birthday and seeing no change in her thumb sucking habits, I started researching different methods to assist with breaking the habit.  It took no time to rule out the "no bite" nail polish and other gross chemical products that you put on your child's hand.  I then moved on the researching thumb guards but wanted those devices to be a last resort.  They came across as more of a punishment than a positive motivating way to stop thumb sucking.  They also seemed like they would shame her and be embarrassing to have to wear to school.  

Then I found Thumbuddy to love, a fun and gentle way of encouraging your child to stop sucking their thumb by way of positive reinforcement.

About Thumbuddy
Thumbuddy to Love™ was created by Andrea Van Ness, a former thumb sucker. After her mom tried everything, including bitter tasting thumb polish, it was her grandmother that made her a thumb puppet. It was the positive experience of the thumb puppet and her kind words that encouraged Andrea to stop thumb sucking.
When researching the available thumb sucking products for her son, she was surprised by the lack of friendly, positive teaching tools on the market. She created Thumbuddy to Love™ with the intention of providing a fun, positive learning tool for children . . . then took it one step further and wrote the Thumbududdy to Love™ books (Fireman Fred and Ballerina Sue) along with matching character thumb puppets and created the first positive teaching tool of its kind.

Thumbuddy To Love® is a positive tool that teaches children how to stop thumb sucking.
Thumbuddy to Love™ is a storybook and thumb puppet available in 2 different characters, Fireman Fred for boys and Ballerina Sue for girls. The storybook is read often by parents to teach children to stop sucking their thumbs or fingers. The thumb puppet is worn anytime, including bed time. Each book comes with a weekly success calendar and stickers.

Over Thirty Mommy's Thoughts
My daughter fell in love with her Ballerina Sue Thumbuddy from the moment it arrive.  She carried it around with her and even took it to school for share day.  We read the book numerous times and we are to the point where she knows the book by memory so now she "reads" it to us.  Because she is a habitual thumb sucker and sucks practically non stop all day every day, I knew this would not be an easy habit to break and not something that would happen overnight but we were prepared for the long haul.  While she loved her ballerina sue, she was hesitant to put it on and keep it on her thumb but she was connecting with her and knew what she was for.  To aid in the process, we have started using one of the suggested tips, provided to us with our Thumbuddy kit, and added a band aid to her thumb.  The combination of Ballerina Sue Thumbuddy and a band aid appear to be our perfect combination.  We have been working with the Thumbuddy for a couple weeks and while she has not broken her habit yet we have seen some improvement and I am looking forward to continued success with Ballerina Sue and the Thumbuddy to love program.

Win It: Thumbuddy To Love has offered a Thumbuddy for one lucky Over Thirty Mommy reader! Thanks Thumbuddy To Love!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

**Disclaimer: I received a free product in exchange for my honest review. I was not compensated in any other manner.  All thoughts and opinions are my own. Other people may have different experiences with the products.**


mverno said... 1

i'd like to have ballerina sue

Kristy Thiel said... 2

I love the Binky Fairy the best! Thanks for hosting!

Kimberley Meier said... 3

I'd like to have Ballerina Sue! Such a cute idea!

Kimberley Meier
momof3chaos at gmail dot com

Kimberley Meier said... 4

I like Ballerina Sue!

Kimberley Meier
momof3chaos at gmail dot com

tavernie said... 5

Id love Fireman Fred!
ptavernie at yahoo dot com

k. said... 6

I like Balerina Sue.

Amy Orvin said... 7

Ballerina Sue

Amy Orvin said... 8

facebook friend of over30mommy on FB as Amy Orvin

Amanda said... 9

ballerina sue is so cute.

Diana said... 10

I like Ballerina Sue

Jessica said... 11

I would like to have the fireman

[Whatever U are, be a good one!] said... 12

I like Ballerina Sue :-)
Thank You So Much!
Fiona N -

Farrah Shumway said... 13

I Follow on Google+ - Farrah Shumway
GFC Follower- Farrah Shumway
Follow on Pinterest- Farrah Shumway

I was in the middle of entering & my computer froze tyhen when I rushed back it said over & didn't get to finish these


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