
Saturday, March 20, 2010

Baby Shower Extravaganza Giveaway #21: Baby's 1st Phone Call (4 winners)

I would have loved to have this service when I had Wiggle Bean a little over a year ago.  I was not in the position to make calls after the delivery so I split up the list between my husband, mom and sister.  They each had about 10 people to call and repeat all the details over and over to.

Baby's First Phone Call is an automated call tree that allows you to notify all of your friends and family of the arrival of your bundle of joy without the hassle of making dozens of individual phone callsWith Baby's First Phone Call, you set up an account before your baby is born and enter the names and phone numbers of all the people you want to notify when the baby arrives. Then, after the baby is born, you make a single phone call and leave a personal voice-mail message of any length with all the details you want to share. Their system places calls to each of the phone numbers in your account and plays them your message.  You can even set the delivery time for family and friends that live in different time zones.

It is a genius idea, no more remembering a zillion phone numbers, no more forgetting to call your favorite uncle and no more repeating the details over  and over to each person.  Make on call and you (and you spouse) can get back to counting little toes and fingers! 

Package prices range from $20-$50 depending on the number of people on your call list.  All packages come with a luggage tag that includes the toll-free phone number to call and record your personal message when the baby arrives (you do not even have to remember that number!).  They also have a cute "I'm the One You Heard About" onesie for the new arrival.

Four Over Thirty Mommy readers will win a $50 gift certificate to Baby's First Phone Call

How to Enter: Mandatory
Leave a comment letting me who you want to win this for (can be yourself, a family member, friend, anyone)
Extra Entries:
You must complete the mandatory entry before doing any extra entries.

  • Follow Over Thirty Mommy publicly (join followers on right-hand sidebar) (1 entry)
  • Subscribe to Over Thirty Mommy via Reader or email. (1 entry each)
  • Follow Over Thirty Mommy and Baby's 1st Phone Call on Twitter and tweet about this review/giveaway. (leave link to tweet)
  • Grab my regular Blog Button (2 entries).
  • Fan Over Thirty Mommy and Baby's 1st Phone Call on Facebook
  • Blog about the giveaway on your site and link back to Over Thirty Mommy (leave a link to your post in comment) (5 entries!!!)
  • Add Over Thirty Mommy to your Technorati Favorites. Then leave a comment telling me you did so and under what username.  Add to Technorati Favorites (2 entries)
Please leave a separate comment for each entry.  Good luck!

This giveaway is open to U.S. only. You do not need to be a blogger to enter, but you must have a valid email address in your comment or on your blogger profile and be age 18 years or older.

Winner will be chosen via a Random Drawing.  Winners that I am unable to contact or one who does not claim their prize within 72 hours of being sent their winning email notification will forfeit their prize.

Giveaway ends midnight PST on March 31st

*Disclaimer: I was not paid in any form of cash for this posting.   I received a gift certificate to test the service for my review purposes. This is solely the opinion of Over Thirty Mommy. Other people may have different experiences with the product.** 


joboo86 said... 1

I would love to win this prize because my sister will be giving birth to her first child in October!

Trina said... 2

I follow on google friend connect

Trina said... 3

A friend in my mom's group is expecting in July, I would give this to her.

Anonymous said... 4

I would give this to a friend of my daughters who is expectin gin June. Her husbands family all live outof state.
skiandboard at verizon dot net


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