
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Baby Shower Extravaganza Last Day To Enter!

Today is the last day to enter for the Baby Shower Extravaganza giveaways. There are still 9 great giveaways going on so get those entries in!!! BSE#14: Ella's Kitchen Organic Foods 3/31 BSE#10: Maclaren beginning 3/31 BSE#17 Personalized Baby Shower Package 3/31 BSE#20 Dr. Brown's Deluxe Gift Set 3/31 BSE#21 Baby's First Phone call...

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Infantino Recalls SlingRider Baby Slings; Three Infant Deaths Reported

Infantino Recalls to Replace SlingRider Baby Slings; Three Infant Deaths Reported The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) and Health Canada (HC), in cooperation with Infantino LLC, of San Diego, Calif. are announcing a free replacement program for the Infantino “SlingRider” and “Wendy Bellissimo” infant slings. One million...

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Baby Shower Extravaganza Giveaway #25 Gift The Bambino

Gift The Bambino is located in Greensboro, NC but they ship their products worldwide.   Their Diaper Cakes are specially made with products that are meant to be used.  Simply slip off the tulle and additional coordinating ribbon and you are ready to use the diapers, blankets, wash cloths and more.  They come in a variety...

Baby Shower Extravaganza Giveaway #24 Agoo Leg Huggers

Agoo® is uniquely styled athletic wear for urban kids. It is functional, fashionable and makes being a kid a lot more fun.The key  component is their fabrics. They contain a strong UV protected finish, blocking out any harmful ultra violet rays. They also have Wick Away fibers that pull moisture and sweat away from the body, and...

Baby Shower Extravaganza Giveaway #23: Cate and Levi

Cate and Levi was started when Josh (owner) and his wife were awaiting the arrival of their first child.  He noticed that there was a lack of one of a kind, responsibly made, and beautifully designed products for kids. So he decided to create his own unique collection of products that would be intricately crafted and environmentally...

Baby Shower Extravaganza Giveaway #22: Zutano Childrens Clothing

When Wiggle Bean was born, she was to long for traditional "newborn" cloths but was swimming in the 0-3 months size so I had to bring her home in a newborn outfit that was to short for her (at least it was a short drive home).    Itzy Bitzy is Zutano’s premier line of newborn and preemie clothing. The Zutano Itzy Bitzy line has...

Baby Shower Extravaganza Giveaway #21: Baby's 1st Phone Call (4 winners)

I would have loved to have this service when I had Wiggle Bean a little over a year ago.  I was not in the position to make calls after the delivery so I split up the list between my husband, mom and sister.  They each had about 10 people to call and repeat all the details over and over to. Baby's First Phone Call is an automated...

Baby Shower Extravaganza: Joovy

The Joovy Room2 is the perfect fit for us, it is just what we needed. Now that Wiggle Bean is walking and running around, she can not be left for a second.  It is amazing how fast she can be.  On minute she is standing next to you and the next, she is in the kitchen.  She could be in the living room playing with her toys...

Friday, March 19, 2010

Baby Shower Game # 3: Old Wives Tales BONUS ENTRY OPPORTUNITY!

Baby Shower Game #3 Old Wives Tales What Do the Following Old Wives' Tales Mean: Boy or Girl? (please try to do it on your own with out the internet).  You can win up to 15 bonus entries (one for each correct answer)Email Answers to me at over30mommy(@)gmail(dot)com, do not leave them below.Deadline for submission 3/25 at 11:59PM...

Baby Shower Extravaganza Giveaway #20: Dr. Brown's

Dr. Brown’s focus has always been to create innovative feeding products to promote good health and optimal nutrition for baby. Dr. Brown’s Natural Flow® baby bottle was the first baby bottle to feature an internal vent system that eliminated the vacuum, air bubbles and negative pressure associated with conventional bottle feeding. ...

Baby Shower Extravaganza Giveaway #19: Glamourmom CLOSED

© Copyright 2010 Glamourmom LLC Invented and founded by Line Rothman when she was nursing her first baby, the Glamourmom® Nursing Bra Tank is a revolutionary patented built-in nursing bra design that offers support, coverage and style. The Glamourmom® brand, known for its functionality, fit, and fashion introduced the first Built-in Nursing...

Baby Shower Extravaganza giveaway #18: BUILT Thirsty Tote CLOSED

The Thirsty Tote by BUILT so much more than just a Bottle holder.  The Thirsty Tote stretches to fit a bottle or sippy cup, and keeps drinks cold or warm. It comes in 4 adorable colors and patterns.  I have the Thirsty Tote in Soho Stripe and it is adorable.  The Thirsty Tote is the perfect way to carry a bottle for baby...

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Baby Shower Extravaganza Giveaway #17: My Precious Arrival

My Precious Arrival is a one stop shop for all your baby Shower favor and gift, unique baby gift, and diaper cake needs.  My Precious Arrival was started by Eliana Owens after the birth of her first son in 2007.  It all began with a cute stork and set up in her front yard to share the wonderful news with friends, neighbors, and...

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//PART 2