
Saturday, March 31, 2012

Thumbuddy to Love Review and Giveaway

Thumbuddy to Love Review and Giveaway Before my daughter was born my husband and I made the decision that we would lot use a pacifier. Apparently she made the same decision in the womb because in just about all of her ultrasound pictures she was sucking her thumb. At first I thought that this would work out great because I heard horror stories...

Friday, March 30, 2012

Saving Money On Diapers Is Possible

Saving Money On Diapers Is Possible Babies are a joy surpassed by no other. However, this joy can be very expensive, particularly when it comes to diapers. With a new baby in the home, shopping bills add up greatly and regularly. Couples who were previously living easily on their income often find themselves needing to stretch their dollars...

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Kick Your Cough and Cold to the Curb

Kick Your Cough and Cold to the Curb With Maty's Natural Cough Syrup and Cold-EEZE COUGH: Don't you hate that time of year where it seems like every other day someone new is coughing around the office.  You know that sooner or later that some is going to be you.  Now there is a natural cough syrup available that will help...

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Maggies Direct $25 Giveaway

Maggies Direct $25 Giveaway Maggie's Direct is a Social Networking Shopping website that allows you to earn "social bucks" for your purchases, referrals, and more that can be later exchanged for discounts or even free items. Each social buck is equivalent to $1 product credit for anything on Maggies site including clearance and...

Maggie's Direct $5000 Shopping Spree Announcement

$5,000 GRAND PRIZE!!!!!   Every friend you invite to Maggies and who creates a login will count as an entry for you.You can have unlimited entries (if you have that many friends!). No purchase is necessary. Drawing Date Last Day to Enter Prizes March 31st March 30th, 11:59pm $500 Spending Spree $500 for the person who...

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