
Sunday, September 23, 2012

Fall Fashions with Carter's Watch the Wear Review and Giveaway

Fall Fashions with Carter's Watch the Wear
My daughter is not only an only child but one of only 3 girls from all the children that both my husband's and my siblings have had and the other 2 at 17 and 18 so needless to say she is a bit spoiled in the clothing, shoe and accessory departments.  She has a large closet that is bursting with shorts and dresses and a full size dresser that is packed full of pants, shorts and skirts but for some reason she never seems to have enough outfits.

Carter's has been a household name for over 150 years and could be found in stores across the country.   They are now moving to the online shopping world with their children’s clothing and Carter’s Watch the Wear.  

My daughter is very opinionated when it comes to clothing so we sat together to look at the new fall line of clothing Carter's Watch the Wear.  I showed her the adorable legging sets and she said, "those are cute" but when she saw the boy hoodie and denim sets  she said "those are awesome".  I knew right there that there would be no swaying her from an "awesome" hoodie that was just like one her cousin has (she loves those boy cousins "her boys" as she calls them).

When it came time for ordering, we had to get the Hoodie and Denim set in Heather Grey but I was also able to pin her down on an adorable "cute" Wild Lime Stripe Top Legging Set.

She wanted to start wearing them right away when they arrived but we were (up until this week) still having great summer like weather and it was just too warm for long sleeves and pants.  She asked every day to watch the weather report to see if it would be sunny so that she could wear one of her new "school outfits". 

Last week we had a day that wasn't in the 80' and she insisted that she was able to wear the hoodie and denim set.  We put on a short sleeved shirt under the hoodie for when the afternoon sun came out.  After getting dressed, she ran around the house saying "I look like my cousins, but with long hair".  Sometimes that girl says the funniest things.

  She was beyond excited this morning when I told her it was going to be chilly and cloudy all day, I was a little confused as she loves playing in the sun. As I was preparing lunches for my husband and I to take to work she disappeared out of the living room.  I could hear her in her bedroom but had no idea what she was up to.  A few minutes later she came running out exclaiming, "I am wearing this today, is that alright" and there she stood fully dressed in her stripe top and leggings.  After getting my approval (which I am sure she did not really care if I gave to her) she requested assistance with the buttons on the back.  She went on and on about her favorite features, the pockets and the sparkles.  She thought the rhinestones around the neck area were the best, exclaiming "look, it is like I am wearing a necklace but I'm not" "that is so cool".

The quality of product we received from the Carter's Watch the Wear clothing was exactly what I expected from the Carter's brand.  The material used are both durable and comfortable.  The seems appear to be sewn with extra care to stand up to even the toughest of kids, which is a plus as she is rough on her clothing and enjoys playing in the dirt as much as playing with a doll.

Carter;s Watch the Wear clothing is also extremely affordable, the outfits we selected are only $12.99 and $10.99.  They have top and bottom sets as low as $8.99 for infants and $10.99 for toddlers, you will be hard pressed to find outfits of this quality for these prices from other brands.  They even still have some summer steals on their site, so hurry over for cute summer clothing to save for next year or winter family vacations to sunny destinations.

I’m excited to announce that I get to give 2 Over Thirty Mommy readers each a $25 gift card to use at Carter’s Watch the Wear!  Simply enter the Rafflecopter form below for a chance to win. Contest ends 9:01PM PST October 6, 2012

TO ENTER THIS GIVEAWAY, Please visit us at our new home:
**Disclaimer: I received free product in exchange for my honest review. I was not compensated in any other manner. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Other people may have different experiences with the products.**  


Mami2jcn said... 1

I like the Carters Kids Clothes Print Knit Dress Size 2T - 4T - Black Pocket Leopard.

Name on rafflecopter: Mary Happymommy


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//PART 2