2012 Halloween Costume: Pink Power Ranger to the Rescue
One time many months ago my daughter watched one episode of Power Rangers with her cousins (who she adored) and ever since then has talked non stop about how she loves Power Rangers and how she is the pink Power Ranger.
We were recently browsing Costume Discounters looking at their selection of costumes brand new for 2012 Halloween, I tried to guide her towards a new princess dress (Rapunzel or Merida from Brave) to add to her collection but the moment she saw the Pink Power Ranger she wouldn't look at anything else and was determined that was her costume for this year.
When the package arrived, the day after labor day, she was beyond excited and had that costume out of the box (giving me instructions to open it) and was stripped down to her undies in about 3 seconds (faster than I could get it unwrapped). The exterior box was a bit squashed, I spoke with the UPS guy that delivered it (at almost 8:00 at night) and he said they were slammed from the holiday so I figured it ended up on the bottom of the stack.

She jumped and hopped around the house for hours, saying things like HI-YA and KA-CHOW, swinging her sword around, kicking and punching imaginary Nylock monsters. Her daddy was out of town visiting his parents at the time so She HAD to wear it when we skyped with him, grandma and grandpa M, and uncle George later that evening. She waited with costume and mask on until the video went live and then ran up to the computer shouting, "Guess Who is in here?" She wanted to wear the costume to bed but after much pleading, she relented to only wearing it during awake time.
We ordered a size small (4-6X) knowing that it would be a little big but it would have room to grow and she would get plenty of use out of it. She is pretty tall for her age but as you can see in the photo above, she has plenty of room to grow taller and still be able to wear it. The mask, like I figured, only stays on for a few minutes before being put on top of her head or cast aside so she has better viewing capabilities. The costume allows for extra clothing to be worn under it so that your little Ranger stays warm while out trick-or-treating (a plus for the Pacific northwest!). It is made of durable Polyester (hand wash only) and has Velcro closure up the back for easy on and off needs. The Power Ranger Samurai Sword (not included with costume) is the perfect accessory for completing the costume. It is made from High-density polyethylene (HDPE) (think Nerf type material) so it does not hurt as much when your little Power Ranger goes into Super Samurai mode and mistakes you for the evil Master Xandred.
**Disclaimer: I received free product in exchange for my honest review. I was not compensated in any other manner. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Other people may have different experiences with the products.**
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