
Friday, September 14, 2012

Arbor Mist Frozen Wine Cocktails #SSCheers

Arbor Mist Frozen Wine Cocktails Review

Summer might be winding down but there is still plenty of time to enjoy some tasty summer beverages and I have the perfect one for you!

I am not a big drinker but when I do indulge, I prefer wine over beer (even though I have family in the beer industry) and I like frozen fruit flavored beverages.  

Rarely do I have all the necessary ingredients to make a tasty concoction.  We are not ice type of people so the ice drawer in the freezer is empty 90% of the time and since ice is a key ingredient in frozen beverages, I usually do not get the chance to have one when I want one.  Another problem with making frozen beverages at home it timing.  I usually wait until the little one is in bed before indulging in an adult beverage and the blender is a bit on the loud side. So even if I did have all the ingredients, I would have to take them to the garage or string an extension cord out to the backyard to blend up a drink and that is just too much of a hassle so I usually give up the whole idea and have water or soda. BORING!!!

All of these dilemmas of enjoying a nice frozen drink when I want one are exactly what drew me to the new Arbor Mist Frozen Wine Cocktails.  Simply toss a few in the freezer (approximately 5 hours before you desire one), pull one out when the mood hits you, gently massage and squeeze to pour and enjoy in a glass.  It is that simple! No mixing, measuring or blending required. Best of all there is almost zero cleanup!  Just rinse out your glass and toss the package in the garbage/recycling

Arbor Mist Frozen Wine Cocktails come in three delicious flavors: Blackberry Merlot, Strawberry White Zinfandel, White Pear Pinot Grigio.  The single 10oz serving packages are perfect for those times you want one drink or after that one drink want to move on and try another flavor!  My personal favorite is the Blackberry Merlot!  I am usually not a red wine drinker but I have a thing for blackberries and Arbor mist did a great job with the flavoring of the wine, black berries and guava for a sweet but not too sweet combination.

What are you waiting for? Arbor Mist Frozen Wine Cocktails are available at these retailers in your neighborhood. Run out and get some and toss a few in your freezer today!  You can be enjoying an Arbor Mist Frozen Wine Cocktail in no time.

  You can keep up with the latest product offerings by following Arbor Mist on Twitter. Additionally, SheSpeaks is on Twitter

Disclaimer ~ Over Thirty Mommy received product from SheSpeaks to facilitate this review. All opinions are 100% Over Thirty Mommy's.


Anonymous said... 1

Since I already like Arbor Mist, these are sure to be a splendid treat.


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