
Saturday, June 30, 2012

Joovy BicycooBMX Balance Bike Review

Joovy BicycooBMX Balance Bike Review

Now that Wiggle is three (and a half, never forget the half!), she has decided that she is too much of a "big girl" to ride on a trike.  She wanted a big girl bike.  After reading all sorts of articles on the benefits of balance bikes over bikes with training wheels, I started my search for the perfect balance bike for her and it lead me to the Joovy BicycooBMX balance bike.

 I was looking for one that had brakes, my little girl is a dare devil and I need every advantage I can get to slow her down a little.  I also needed one that is light weight and durable (she might be slender but she is tough on toys)and I wanted rubber tires not formed plastic.  The Joovy BicycooBMX had all these features and more.

Joovy BicycooBMX Balance Bike
(description provided from Joovy site)
The Joovy BicycooBMX is a durable, well designed balance bike for kids 3 years and above. The frame is made of aluminum so it is strong and lightweight just like high-end bikes. The lightweight frame makes controlling the bike much easier for kids, unlike the heavy wooden and steel versions. The tires are pneumatic (air) and refillable. Many balance bikes on the market use EVA plastic tires which are cheaper and wear out much quicker than these rubber tires used on the Joovy BicycooBMX. The suspension qualities of pneumatic tires give kids a much smoother ride. There is also a hand brake for the rear tire.

When you combine the high quality of the BicycooBMX with Joovy's great customer service, you can't go wrong with this bike. You'll love the look on your kids face when they finally figure out how to balance and ride with no feet touching the ground! The seat is adjustable for a perfect fit for your child.

Over Thirty Mommy's Thoughts
The Joovy BicycooBMX balance bike was everything that I was looking for and more.  After checking out many balance bike options both online and at brick and mortar stores.  Some were heavy and some were made of wood. Some had plastic tires and some had no brakes.  None of them had all the features that I wanted or felt would be best for my daughter, until I found the BicycooBMX. The Joovy BicycooBMX was lightweight (only 7.25lbs) making it easy for my daughter to maneuver it around.  It has rubber tires like a real bike and they can be refilled with air whenever they are low (unlike formed plastic tires that wear out and have to be replaced). 

It was super easy to assemble, even for me and I can be assembly challenged, taking me only about 5 minutes. My only mistake in picking the BicycooBMX balance bike was that I thought she would love the pink one but her first comment was maybe next time I can can get a blue one.  Silly me, I forgot her favorite color was blue now and not pink.

Having an adjustable seat was important for us because she is tall for her age.  With her being tall, we found that stationary seats were not a good fit for her, the adjustable seat will allow proper fit and it will grow with her. 

The handbrake was also a must for me.  Most balance bikes rely on foot pedal stopping power, the BicycooBMX has a hand brake that is just like those of a full size bike.  It is also a shoe saver!

Over all we love the Joovy BicycooBMX balance bike, it was exactly what we were looking for in a beginner bike (even if it is pink and not blue!) Who knows, next week her favorite color will be green!

Where to Buy
The Joovy BicycooBMX can be purchased at the Joovy online store

**Disclaimer: I received free product in exchange for my honest review. I was not compensated in any other manner. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Other people may have different experiences with the products.** 


Unknown said... 1

Awesome Item. My grandson would love this. thanks for the review.


Unknown said... 2

This looks like the perfect size for a beginner!

Unknown said... 3

Never heard of a balance bike instead of training wheels. Now I will be looking into these. Thanks for the great review and educating me :D


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