
Monday, August 8, 2011

Preparing Your Kids for their Dental Visit

 Preparing Your Kids for their Dental Visit 
 by Warner Carter

Most kids will dislike the idea of having to go to the dentist. You can’t fault them; there is a lot negative connotation attached to dentists. Even some adults cannot help but be scared when they realize that they need to go to the dentist. Despite any inevitable protestations, parents should be adamant that their kids keep up with their scheduled dental appointments.

Good oral health starts when one is young especially since there is much weight attached to the preventing the development of cavities and tooth decay. According to the American Dental Association, children should have their first visit to the dentist within six months after the eruption of the first tooth but no later than their first birthday. This first visit is necessary to check the state of the baby’s mouth and also so that parents can receive advice from their baby’s dentist.

It is normal for parents to feel nervous about their baby’s first dental appointment. But as long as one knows what to expect, then there is nothing to fear. Generally, the dentist will take a look at the kid’s milk teeth and check for signs of tooth decay or any existing cavities. At the same time, the dentist should be able to assess the child’s tendency to develop tooth decay. While at the dental clinic, parents are encouraged to share any habits which may ruin their kid’s teeth like thumb sucking or misusing sippy cups. The dentist should also share tips and insight on how and why it is important to clean primary teeth.

After this first visit to the dentist, the next dental appointment should be at least six months after. Ideally, dental visits should have six months intervals. If the dentist finds that your child is prone to having tooth decay, then it is normal for him or her to schedule visits more frequently. The reason for why appointments have to be scheduled regularly is so that dentist can remove any plaque which have formed as well as provide fluoride treatment if required. The dentist should also be able to assess the child’s jawbones and oral tissues to determine any potential problems that may arise in the future.

In order to lessen your child’s anxiety, it is necessary for parents to talk to their kids prior to going to the dentist. Parents should explain the upcoming procedure and reassure the child that mom or dad will be close by throughout the entire time.

Your author, Elliot enjoys writing about everything online, health and is interested in Dental SEO and Social Marketing for Dentists. Take good care of your teeth.



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