
Saturday, December 31, 2011

Budgeting Tips for New Parents

Budgeting Tips for New Parents Becoming a parent is possibly the biggest change that will ever affect your life. It is understandable to let anxiety over being the perfect parent influence your purchases and lifestyle, but if you really want what's best for your baby you should also take care of your budget. Remember that while no parent is perfect, good parenting means making responsible choices and providing security for your...

Friday, December 30, 2011

Top Toys for an Educational Head start

Top Toys for an Educational Head start Every child will have toys that may or may not help him get a head start on his education. The parent will look for ways to give his child a head start. The parent probably started looking for ways long before the child was born. The mother and father may even do things that will help the child develop in the womb. A good parent wants his children to be more than his successors and wants...

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Playground Safety

 Playground Safety A playground is meant to be a safe haven, a place where kids can run free, secure in the knowledge that they are in a safe and friendly environment. Sadly, this is not always the case, as there are more than 200,000 playground-related injuries admitted by the ER ever year. Parents must take the necessary precautions to ensure that the areas where their children play are truly safe. Playground Surface  Kids...

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Bond with Your Children Through Laser Tag

Bond with Your Children Through Laser Tag Laser tag provides people with many opportunities to have fun. This game is not only for teenagers. This can also be played by young kids and adults. Laser tag makes for a great family bonding experience. Yes. You can bond with your children through laser tag. Laser tag is a sport that can be played individually or with a team. In the game, players try to tag their target with the use...

Friday, December 23, 2011

Cooking for Christmas with Children

Cooking for Christmas with Children Christmas can be a wonderful way to involve the whole family. Scenes from favourite movies can come alive in your own kitchen as you play carols on the radio and have little faces covered with flour and chocolate. The key to cooking with children at Christmas is to relax. By accepting that children’s cooking will be original and inviting, but not picture perfect, you’ll be able to create magical...

Being a realtor

Being a realtorPosted by Arden Wallace I’m a realtor and it’s tough being in this business right now. There aren’t a ton of people out buying and for some reason the homeowners in my area just don’t seem to get that people aren’t paying like they used to for houses – they need to realize that they can’t charge as much as they would have for a great house…it’s just not that kind of market! I find that a lot of my clients...

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Imagine the look of wonder and surprise when a child receives a photo of Santa caught in the act in his or her very own home. is a unique website that helps visitors create those memorable keepsake photos.  In three simple steps anyone can upload a holiday photo, add Santa Claus and print it as proof… or share...

Monday, December 19, 2011

Holiday Gift Guide: Flat Iron Experts

Holiday Gift Guide: Flat Iron Experts I have crazy hair!  That is the best way that I can describe it.  It is not straight, not curly and very unmanageable.  I can't stand dealing with it so much that I pull it back into a pony tail every day.  Why me? I have two sisters, one has hair that is straight as a board and...

Friday, December 16, 2011

5 Cool Door Knobs Perfect for a Kids Room

5 cool door knobs perfect for a kids room Decorating a child’s room can be one of the most interesting DIY jobs you ever do. So often your interior decorating choices are constrained by fashion or what your dinner party guest might think. When you decorate your kids room; all of this goes out of the window and your main focus is fun...

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Pics & Flicks: Make 'em Last

Pics & Flicks: Make 'em Last The way we take, store and send pictures and images has changed, but the basic concept of photos and video remains the same. You want those precious memories in life that you captured to last. Unfortunately, somewhere between the cute photo you took of little Jimmy cuddling with the dog underneath the...

Monday, December 12, 2011

Bring Holiday Joy To Pets With Some of This Year'sBest Products

PetMate gifts for you and your furry friends Pets are family members too so don't forget them on your Christmas shopping lists this year!   I am a dog lover myself but I have owned cats, lizards and hamsters in the past.  Until recently, I had two wonderful dogs but now that I am down to one dog, I am pampering her and got...

Holiday Gift Guide: SodaStream Fountain Jet Starter Set

SodaStream Fountain Jet Starter Set We have had a Sodastream soda maker for almost a year now and it is fantastic.  At first I thought that we would lose interest after a few months and it would just take up space on the counter but that is just not the case.  We have over 2 dozen different flavors and love trying out new combinations...

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Gourmet Gift Christmas (giveaway!)

Gourmet Gift Christmas (giveaway!) About strives to achieve the highest quality customer service through our in-house customer service team.  Every gift basket experience is backed with a 100% satisfaction guarantee, and be assured that anytime you reach out to us  our...

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Kidorable Apparel and Accessories (Giveaway!)

Kidorable Apparel and Accessories Kidorable rain wear is absolutely adorable!  My daughter received her first pair of Kidorable ladybug rain boots well over a year ago and while they were too big for her at the time (that did not stop her from wearing them) they are now on the too small side (still not stopping her from wearing them). ...

Monday, December 5, 2011

APRA International Fragrance Company

APRA International Fragrance Company Perfumes and fragrances are one of those products that can be found on wish lists every Christmas.  I have a mother, sister, sister-in-law and a teenage niece that all have fragrances on their wish lists.  These new APRA fragrances will make great gifts and wonderful stocking stuffers for the...

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