
Friday, July 24, 2009

About me and my family

I wanted to say hi and introduce myself to everyone.

My name is Carrie. I am an over 30 mother of a beautiful little girl.

My husband and I wanted time to grow as a couple before we settled down the have a family and time just slipped away from us. We were married 9 1/2 years before we welcomed our daughter into our family. We loved being a couple but look forward now to being a family.

As a couple we enjoyed traveling to Jamaica where we met some really great people from all over the world. As a family we look forward to going on "family" vacations.

I have always been a lover of shopping with a special passion for shoes and purses.  I am ecstatic that my daughter has followed in my footsteps and loves purses, shoes and clothing.  She now has 5 purses and got her first Coach purse at 11 months.  She loves putting things in her purses and carrying them around while we are out and about.

Her closet and dressers (yep she has two!) are over flowing with clothes and her shoe boxes are piled full of fashionable shoes, boots and sandals.  While I adore that she has taken such a shining to my shopping loves, it is cutting into my disposable spending for my own shopping needs.  It makes it all worth it though when she gets compliments on how cute her outfit is and how well coordinated her accessories are.

I had the great joy of getting to spend nine months home with her after I was laid off from my job in July 2010.  It was the best, we go to spend our days playing and learning together.  It is amazing how fast she picks up on things and how much she has learned in the few short months that was home with her.  It seems something changed everyday.  She is running, jumping and basically causing havoc where ever possible. 

Sadly my time as a stay at home mom ended in April 2011 when I was given a great opportunity to return to the HR field at a large technology company. 

Upon returning to work, my daughter also got to experience a new environment and started at a local care center (until now, she had only experienced home based child care).  We had a couple rough weeks but she has blossomed and made so many new friends.  It has been wonderful for her.

We were recently informed from the director of her care facility that at the young age of only 2 1/2, they think she is ready to move up to the Young Preschool class.  So we are experiencing our first days of "school" now.  She is ecstatic and loves going to "The big kid class", I on the other hand am having a harder time with my baby being in Preschool.  I am so happy for her but sad as a mommy that she is growing up so fast.

Being a mom is such a wonderful experience, I sometimes can not believe I waited so long before making this life changing step.


Betsy ( said... 1

Hi Carrie,

Thanks for the follow! I'm having a great time looking through your blog! Please come see mine at


PS I didn't get sleep with my oldest for about 5 years! My second two slept through the night very quickly! And for oldest's HS Senior year I didn't get much sleep either!! Now he's off at college. Sleep at last!

Melanie said... 2

Love your About me story.... I'm over 30, too and had my Toddler in my 30's and my Teen in my Teen'
BTW I love your header.. just realized it moves when I move the my mouse was dancing to the song on the radio with your butterflies moving.. too funny...


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//PART 2