
Monday, July 27, 2009

Our First Swimming Adventure

While visiting my Husband's family in Wyoming, we took our daughter to the local community center to have her first swimming experience. We were very diligent about our sunscreen application and followed the directions on the bottle, applying the lotion 30 minutes before we went out in the sun.

My husband is very adamant about her not wearing a bikini (they are cute!) because he does not think they are "appropriate" for her (or he is being the over protective daddy already!). So his mom purchased a really cute pink one piece. It is quite possibly the most adorable thing (ok, I say that about most everything she wears).

We put on our hat and Baby Banz Sunglasses for added sun protection and into the pool we went. BURRRRR!!! The sun was out and the temperature was not bad but the water was a bit chilly and as anyone that has visited Wyoming can attest to, the wind was blowing (as always!). We let her sit in the water and splash for a few minutes before Mommy and Daddy decided that it was time to move to the indoor pool.

Once inside it was quickly evident that our little girl was part fish. She loved being in the water. Watching her try to swim was so adorable (when you could see through the water that she splashed in your face). It looked like she was actually trying to swim. She would do the butterfly stroke with her arms while doing a froggy with her legs. If you flipped her on her back she would do the backstroke away.

We laughed and played in the pool for hours. She was so happy. I can not wait to get back home so I can take her swimming again.


Anonymous said... 1

How old is your daughter in this picture , she is super cute!

Unknown said... 2

Thank you! She was about 5 1/2 months here and is just over 6 months now.


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//PART 2