
Friday, July 24, 2009

First Post: tips welcome!

So this is my first post to my new Blog, Over Thirty Mommy. I am so excited!

I am not exactly sure where this Blog will take me but look forward to the experience of meeting fellow bloggers and just having fun. I am fairly new to the whole blog thing. Sure I have heard of blogging but never thought much about it. I figured it was a thing for the “younger” crowd.

Then I found a contest offered by Barefoot Mommies on I entered the contest in January 2009 (did not win, but that is ok) and have been reading her blog on a regular basis ever since. From there, I started following more and more blogs with my favorite being the “mommy” blogs.

I favor these, but read many non-mommy related blogs, because in January I had my first child. I am bound and determined to provide the best for my little girl. I really enjoy reading posts about parenting tips and tricks. I soak up all ideas on ways to shop wise and save money on all the items I purchase for my daughter. I also love reading about new products on the market and seeing the reviews about anything baby and family related.

I hope to become great friends with fellow Mommy Bloggers and Mommy Blog readers.

I welcome any tips you have to becoming a blogger. Please be kind and remember I am new so if I make a mistake, I truly am sorry. Please feel free to let me know my mistakes (privately would be great) and I promise to learn from them.



Shop with Me Mama said... 1

I look forward to reading your new blog! Good luck and have FUN!!!


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