
Friday, July 31, 2009

Mommy Confessions

This is my first Mommy Confession since starting my BLOG so it is going to be long (sorry!). I confess that some times I just want to scream "Calgon Take Me Away!". I am a first time mom (still trying to figure out how to balance being mom, wife and myself) to a beautiful 6 month old little girl that takes every minute of my day when I am not at work and still does not sleep through the night. This sounds terrible but sometimes...

Monday, July 27, 2009

Our First Swimming Adventure

While visiting my Husband's family in Wyoming, we took our daughter to the local community center to have her first swimming experience. We were very diligent about our sunscreen application and followed the directions on the bottle, applying the lotion 30 minutes before we went out in the sun.My husband is very adamant about her not wearing...

Friday, July 24, 2009

Beginning Solid Foods

We recently started solid foods. I researched all over the web about what foods to start with and everything said that I should start with vegetables before fruits so that she does not develop a preference for the sweet fruits and shun the vegetables. So I began the search for what vegetables are best and set off to make batches of food. I...

About me and my family

I wanted to say hi and introduce myself to everyone. My name is Carrie. I am an over 30 mother of a beautiful little girl. My husband and I wanted time to grow as a couple before we settled down the have a family and time just slipped away from us. We were married 9 1/2 years before we welcomed our daughter into our family. We loved being a couple but look forward now to being a family. As a couple we enjoyed traveling to...

First Post: tips welcome!

So this is my first post to my new Blog, Over Thirty Mommy. I am so excited! I am not exactly sure where this Blog will take me but look forward to the experience of meeting fellow bloggers and just having fun. I am fairly new to the whole blog thing. Sure I have heard of blogging but never thought much about it. I figured it was a thing for the “younger” crowd. Then I found a contest offered by Barefoot Mommies...

Over Thirty Mommy Copyright © 2009 Flower Garden is Designed by Ipietoon for Tadpole's Notez Flower Image by Dapino | Blogger Styles

//PART 2