
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Seneca Farms Oatmeal & Fruit Review

Seneca Farms Oatmeal & Fruit Review

Everyone knows the saying "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day" but did you know that almost 60% of U.S. parents of children ages 3-17 admit that their child skips breakfast and 58% of U.S. moms say they skip breakfast regularly. 

What is the #1 excuse for people skipping the most important meal of the day? Not enough time for preparation!

That excuse is not going to work anymore!  Why? because Seneca Farms has just released Oatmeal & Fruit!

What is Oatmeal & Fruit?  Oatmeal & Fruit is the newest addition to the Seneca Farms line of healthy "good for you" products.  Oatmeal & Fruit comes in 6oz microwaveable cups, just heat (45seconds) and eat!  Who doesn't have 45 seconds for a healthy and delicious breakfast?  It takes more time than that to make a cup of coffee!  Oatmeal & Fruit is currently available in two great flavors, Apple Cinnamon and Vanilla Peach with Cranberry Apple and Maple & Brown Sugar to be introduced soon. 

 Over Thirty Mommy's Thoughts:
I was pleasantly surprised by the Seneca Farms Oatmeal & Fruit.  I was not sure how microwave oatmeal would taste, but it was very yummy.  It is perfect for mornings when I do not have time to make a full breakfast or if I need something to grab and eat at the office.  The flavors are very good (not to strong and not too weak), my favorite is the Vanilla Peach.   I was also pleased by the consistency, it is not like instant oatmeal, it is smooth and delicious!

WHERE TO BUY - You can find Oatmeal & Fruit at Walmart and other retail stores.

COUPON - Seneca Farms is giving away product coupons on their Facebook page.

**Disclaimer: I was not paid in any form of cash for this posting.   I received two 2-packs of Seneca Farms Oatmeal & Fruit for the purpose of this review .  This is solely the opinion of Over Thirty Mommy. Other people may have different experiences with the.**  


1stopmom said... 1

I have not heard of this kind before. My entire family loves oatmeal but it usually the instant kind. Except for my husband, he likes it made on the stove. Thanks for sharing this review :) I will have to check it out.

Melanie said... 2

This makes me wanna get out and grab some.. I lvoe oatmeal, but have never heard of this, i will deffiantly check it out the next time I'm in town. Thanks for a wonderful review


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