
Sunday, April 10, 2011

My Best Mother's Day Thus Far

 My Best Mother's Day Thus Far

Mother's Day is approaching fast (husbands and children: make sure you are prepared!!) and I am excited to have a day to sit around and do nothing (lol, like that would ever happen).  Really though, I am looking forward to adding another great Mother's Day to the ones I have had so far.

My husband and I have been married just shy of 12 years but we waited almost 10 years before starting our family.  My daughter is now two so this will only be my third Mother's Day.

My first Mother's day, my daughter was only 3 months so she really did not understand what was going on but thanks to my wonderful husband he made it special and memorable.  My daughter (with his assistance) colored me a card and she (with my husbands money! lol) got me a beautiful pendant with her birthstone in it.  Then we went over to my mother's for an afternoon BBQ.

Last year was also nice and I got to spend the entire day with just my husband and our daughter (my mom was working so we celebrated with her the following weekend).  We had a nice family day together and they got me a card and flowers.  Wiggle Bean was a little over a year old but I think that she still did not understand that it was a special day for mommy.

This year I am really looking forward to Mother's Day because Wiggle Bean is a little older and I think she will understand what the day means.  I have no idea what they have planned for the day but I am sure it will include a card, I should leave them a link to some of the really adorable Mother's Day cards available at Tiny Prints.

While my first Mother's Day will always hold a dear place in my heart, I am sure that this year's Mother's Day will be the best.

Just remember that even if your Mother's Day day does not go exactly as planned, you are a mother every day so every day you are loved by your child is Mother's Day and that is always the best!

**Disclosure: I received a Tiny Prints gift code for my opinions, which are my own**


Melanie said... 1

Ohh how sweet... this sure sounds like a wonderful Mother's day you had the last few years and I'm sure there are plenty wonderful to come. thank you so much for sharing this... treasure every minute of it:-)

Anonymous said... 2

Well, this is just interesting indeed. Would love to read a little more of this. Excellent post. Thanks for the heads-up.

Faithfully Free Blog said... 3

Nice! My husband is lucky if he can remember to get his own mom something so I don't usually depend on him to get me a gift from the kids lol. I can't wait till they are teens ;)

1stopmom said... 4

Awww, this is so sweet. My husband always makes sure my kids remember me on Mother's Day.

Maureen said... 5

I am your newest follower and just wanted to say hi! I love this post...and this year will be my first mothers I am super excited!
Please stop by and say hi


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