
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Ragú® Mom's the Word on Dinner

Ragú® Mom's the Word on Dinner

"I don't feel like eating dinner now!", "I want ice cream!"  For most Moms, these are all too familiar-- and all too frequent -- demands heard by kids everywhere around 5:30 pm. Yes, as Moms we face a set of dinnertime challenges nearly every night- challenges that only another mom can understand. That's why Ragú® is launching "Mom's the Word on Dinner," an online community for moms to laugh, learn and share their take on what really happens at dinnertime.

Ragú® is teaming up with some familiar faces, including some of the fabulous ladies of Momversation™, to bring moms together to share stories and tips, celebrate the small wins and laugh about situations that only other moms can relate to.  Each month, this online community will be tackling topics from how to deal with picky eaters, to getting them to eat their veggies to what's being discussed at the dinner table, with some tips from parenting expert and author, Dr. Michele Borba, and Registered Dietician, Dr. Felicia Stoler.

In addition to the ongoing fun and conversation, the Mom's the Word on Dinner community will feature videos, photos, polls, quizzes and dinner ideas with quick and easy recipes. With two full servings of veggies in every half cup of Ragú® Old World Style® Traditional pasta sauce, Ragú® provides nutritious meal options for parents to help them on their mission to feed their kids well. This wouldn't be a true community without interaction and Ragú® wants to hear what happens at dinnertime in kitchens and homes across the country!  Moms can join the conversation and tell their story for a chance to be featured in a Ragú® ad in PEOPLE magazine at  

"Disclosure: I was entered for a chance to win a Ragú® prize package in exchange for this post.  No monetary exchange took place."


1stopmom said... 1

This is a question asked all the time in my house. I did not know about this. What a good idea and we love Ragu so I will be checking it out.

My Chicago Mommy said... 2

I love Ragu and my family loves the dishes I make with it. Thanks for sharing this information with us!

Maria - My Chicago Mommy

Faithfully Free Blog said... 3

I have boys who love to eat so I never have an issue with dinner, unless it's mom where's dinner LOL.


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