
Thursday, March 10, 2011

How to Make Your Child A Happy Easter Bunny!

How to Make Your Child A Happy Easter Bunny!
by James Anderson

The Easter holidays are almost upon us and now is the time for you to start planning activities you'll need to keep your chocolate loving bunnies occupied. Especially when bearing in mind that April is a strange month for weather. The morning could be gloriously bright and sunny and you could find yourself strapping on your baby carrier to enjoy a day of daffodils and greenery but the afternoon could bring that gloomy tune, 'drip, drip, drop little April showers..' in which case it's craft time! Here's a range of fun activities that will see you through the holidays – what ever the weather.

1.           Create an array of Easter cards! This activity is a winner with children as they love to be creative. All you need is a stack of coloured cards – select the pastel shades which would be more suited to Easter and begin cutting and gluing to your hearts content.
A particularly easy way of creating Easter cards is to cut out large egg shapes and get your little ones to cover it in sequins, colours, feathers – what ever you have. They can then scribble their message on the back. This is a fantastic idea all round as grandparents love to receive these and it saves on the parents wallet as the card has been made – no need to buy.

2.           Easter Wouldn't be Easter without an egg hunt. It's fine to use your own back yard but it could be even better if you wanted to make a full day of activities.
Go out to a local park or if you want to show your young minds a little about history, choose one of the many rural stately homes which are open to tourists. They usually have huge grounds and beautiful gardens in which you could find a spot to nestle Easter treats in. Make sure it's large enough for you to find your own little area and if you have very young children, ensure the terrain is suitable for pushchairs or failing this baby carriers are a great option.
You could have a fun packed day filled with a picnic, a wander about the grounds an play on the climbing frames a treasure hunt, and a little bit of history and culture to boot.

3.           Paper mac-he Easter eggs are fun and cheap and keep your little darlings occupied over several days. Inflate a regular balloon and after creating a thick glue paste out of just flour and water, continue to layer the balloon in old strips of newspaper. After 4 or so layers, leave the balloon to set for a day and then create a small opening in the balloon and slip an array of sweets inside. Then all you have to do is reseal and begin painting the egg in any colour you wish. The bonus of this is viola - your little bunny has created their own little Easter treat for your partner!

4.           Camp out in the back garden! This is great fun for age 2 upwards. Set a tent up in the day and get your happy bunnies to help in their own special ways. They love to play in dens and have their own little space. Allow them to take their favourite toys, books and some old blankets. Get their friends round and let them have a little tea party in their very own little den. This could be left up for days as erecting a tent is a little time consuming. You'll need to get your wear out of it and it could be an activity you can go back to time and time again.

Author Bio
This article was written by James Anderson who is a proud father of 2, gadget freak, photographer and daddy blogger. James has been managing his own blog for a few years now. James enjoys writing articles for mums to be and parents of young children and currently writes for Baby Planet who are a leading UK retailer of baby equipment including pushchairs, car seats and cots.

**Disclaimer: this post was not written by Over Thirty Mommy, it is a guest post written by James Anderson** 


Melanie said... 1

wonderful tips and ideas.. loved it.. Thanks for sharing this....

Faithfully Free Blog said... 2

Awww... I was a bunny once :) I may do this to er I mean for my daughter this year LOL.


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