
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Dora the Explorer and Friends Magazine Review and Giveaway

Dora the Explorer and Friends Magazine Review and Giveaway

Nickelodeon Dora the Explore & Friends Magazine (Say hola to all your friends, September/ October)

For any one that knows my daughter (or any 2-8 year old girl for that matter) you know that she LOVES anything Dora the Explorer.  We have multiple movies, have the show set on our DVR never to miss an episode and even had a Dora party for her 2nd birthday in January.

When she moved up to a big girl bed, I made her a really cute Dora headboard and for her birthday her Grandma A, made her the most gorgeous (and snugly) Dora blanket.  You can not see the detail in the blanket but Grandma embroidered the outlines of the colored flowers and ferns.

We have Dora clothing, Dora tableware, Dora dolls, Dora books, A Dora poster on her door and even Dora Easy-Ups for potty training.  It was only a matter of time before she spotted the Dore the Explorer and Friends magazine at the grocery store.

About Dora the Explorer and Friends Magazine
Published but Titan Magazines, the new Dora the Explorer and Friends magazine is printed four times a year.  Each issue is filled with stories, puzzles and other activities to keep your little one entertained. Each magazine is loaded with pages of stickers, a poster, color pages and fun crafts for you to do with your child.  The magazine follows in the bilingual way of the Nickelodeon Dora and Diego shows and teaches your children Spanish.

Over Thirty Mommy's Thoughts about the Dora Magazine

The second I opened the the envelope, containing the first three issues of the new Dora magazine, my daughter went crazy.  She was so excited, look how happy she is with her new magazine.  She is a little young for some of the games but we love to read the stories together and she is having a field day with all of the stickers.  I can not count the number of times we have "read" the three magazines, she can not get enough of them.  She is looking forward to finishing all the color pages so that we can put up the posters in her room.  It is also nice that the magazine has Diego in it as well.  

Dora the Explorer and Friends Magazine Giveaway
One Over Thirty Mommy Reader will  be randomly chosen to receive the first three issues of the new Dora the Explorer and Friends Magazine.


How to Enter: Mandatory
To enter the giveaway please leave me a comment telling me what is your child's favorite Nickelodeon cartoon

Extra Entries:
You must complete the mandatory entry before doing any extra entries.
  • Follow Over Thirty Mommy publicly (join followers on right-hand sidebar) (1 entry)
  • Subscribe to Over Thirty Mommy via Reader or email. (1 entry each)
  • Follow Over Thirty Mommy  on twitter and tweet about this review/giveaway. (1 entry daily)
  • Like Over Thirty Mommy on Facebook (1 entry)
  • Blog about the giveaway on your site and link back to Over Thirty Mommy (leave a link to your post in comment) (3 entries!!!) 
  • Grab my Blog Button (2 entries)
 Please leave a separate comment for each entry.  Good luck!
This giveaway is open to U.S. Residents 18+ only. Please have a valid email address in your comment or on your blogger profile.  

Giveaway ends midnight PST on March 19th

**Disclaimer: I was not paid in any form of cash for this posting.   I received a copy of the first three magazine issues for the purpose of this review .  This is solely the opinion of Over Thirty Mommy. Other people may have different experiences with the.**   


wildcat32 said... 1

My child's favorite is Spongebob Squarepants.

monster6236 at gmail dot com

wildcat32 said... 2

email subscriber

monster6236 at gmail dot com

David said... 3


David said... 4


crystletellerday said... 5


littlelatina said... 6

Gary the Snail and Boots the Monkey (He likes Sidekicks)

Bobbie Murphy said... 7

Dora! Who else could my 3 year old girl possibly like! LOL

Mindi said... 8

My daughter's favorite is Dora and my son's is The Fresh Beat Band.

Mindi said... 9

I follow you on GFC!

Mindi said... 10

I added you on facebook!

Priya said... 11

My little girl loves Dora and I would love to win this for her.

Jenn W. said... 12

My Daughter loves Dora and Diego!

Jenn W. said... 13

I'm following via GFC

Jenn W. said... 14

Following via Twitter @savvysavinmama and Tweeted about this giveaway

Anonymous said... 15

Her favorite is Dora.
kathyluman@gmail dot com

Anonymous said... 16

I'm following via GFC.
kathyluman@gmail dot com

Anonymous said... 17

I subscribe via Google Reader.
kathyluman@gmail dot com

Anonymous said... 18

I'm following you on twitter and I tweeted:!/kathyluman/status/46897885387833345
kathyluman@gmail dot com

Anonymous said... 19

I Like Over Thirty Mommy on Facebook
kathyluman@gmail dot com

The Riebeek Family said... 20

dora and diego is defintiley Bree's fave!

Melissa said... 21

Depending on the day...either Dora or Diego is Lauren's favorite show!

melissamcnicol AT yahoo DOT com

Anonymous said... 22

kathyluman@gmail dot com

•´.¸¸.•¨¯`♥Kat F.♥´¯¨•.¸¸.´• said... 23

Dino Dan!!!

Haydensmommy05 said... 24


Haydensmommy05 said... 25

I follow on google friend!

Haydensmommy05 said... 26

I subscribe b yemail!

Haydensmommy05 said... 27

I like you on FB!

Anonymous said... 28

kathyluman@gmail dot com

Anonymous said... 29

kathyluman@gmail dot com

Anonymous said... 30

SpongeBob SquarePants!

ReggieMann said... 31

My niece loves Dora :)

ReggieM1961 [at] gmail [dot] com

Erin Cook said... 32

both of my girls like Dora the Explorer

Erin Cook said... 33

like you on facebook Erin COok

Erin Cook said... 34

follow you on twitter @cooks1978

Erin Cook said... 35

subscribe to your feed through google reader

Erin Cook said... 36

grabbed your button

beshe said... 37

my daughter loves ..Go Diago Go

susansmoaks said... 38

spongebob is our favorite
susansmoaks at gmail dot com

M.S. said... 39

our favorite is spongebob

M.S. said... 40

I follow on GFC

woman of hope and prayer said... 41

My daughter loves dora.

woman of hope and prayer said... 42

I am a new follower. Please follow back.

My Chicago Mommy said... 43

Thanks for sharing this giveaway! My daughter's favorite character is Dora!

Maria Tiongco Ramos

My Chicago Mommy said... 44

Following publicly on Google Friend Connect.

Maria Tiongco Ramos


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