
Friday, March 4, 2011

The Best Convertible Car Seats: Let’s Clear Up the Confusion

The Best Convertible Car Seats: Let’s Clear Up the Confusion
by Robin Newsome

If you’re looking at purchasing a car seat for your baby, you’ve probably looked at some of the best convertible car seats.  You want to make the best decision possible but there are so many choices.  Let’s clear up some of the confusion.
First of all what is a convertible car seat?  A convertible seat will convert from a seat that is rear facing to a front facing seat.  This means you only need to buy one seat instead of two.  Are they right for everyone?
The number 1 priority in any seat that you buy is safety, safety and more safety.  There is no compromising when it comes to your child’s being safe.

The convertible seats are usually rear facing from the time your child is a newborn at 5 pounds until they attain a weight of 40 pounds.  Then the seat is turned around to face forward until your child weighs around 70 pounds depending on the seat.

What I really like about the best convertible seats is being able to keep your child facing towards the rear until 40 pounds.  Many infant only seats face the rear but will only fit your baby until they reach the weight of 20 pounds.

Why is this important?  It’s critical to have your child facing the rear as long as possible.  That’s because in the event of an accident, injury to the child is minimized when they are rear facing.  

If the child is thrown forward, their back would take most of the force of the crash and that is a much stronger part of their body than the neck.  When they are facing the front the crash force causes their weak neck to snap forward and back which can result in serious neck and spinal injury.

So is the convertible the best choice?  Personally I believe that convertible seats are a great buy.  However there is an exception.

If your baby is a preemie or a very small baby, you could be better off with an infant only rear facing seat.  These seats are smaller and probably will give your baby a tighter and therefore safer fit.

A convertible will be more expensive but they will last longer and you only need one seat instead of two.  I really like the Britax Boulevard Car Seat.  It’s highly rated for safety, comfort and durability.  It’s also rated high in user ratings.  

Always remember that when buying a car seat for your child, seat safety is the number one feature.

***Disclaimer: this post was not written by Over Thirty Mommy, it was a guest post written by Robin Newsome***


Melanie said... 1

Great and very informative post.. I totally agree with you 100%... and do your research.. what works best for your friend doesn't always work best for you!!! Thanks for sharing...


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