
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Review and Giveaway: Tastybaby Frozen Organic Purees CLOSED

Tastybaby Organic Frozen purees come in 8 delicious flavors ranging from stage one options of Hip 2B Pear, Life's a Peach, Corn in the USA, and Squash EM'; stage 2 choices of Peas on Earth, Bangos, and Sweetie Pie, and a stage 3 Mama Mia. Tastybaby frozen purees are blast frozen to preserve vitamins, enzymes and nutrients.  

About Tastybaby® Organic Purées
(taken from sponsor site)
Tastybaby® is widely recognized as one of the most innovative brands in the specialty baby-food
market due to its state-of-the-art blast-freezing technology and its departure from the traditional,
highly processed, jarred foods, which previously dominated the baby food category. The Company’s
original, 10-item line of 100 percent Organic Frozen Baby Food was designed for three stages of
infant development. This line is minimally processed and contains no additives, preservatives or
stabilizers. It’s also free of gluten, GMOs, added salt, added sugar, and citric or ascorbic acid.

Environmentally Friendly
Tasty Brand, Inc. uses the most eco-friendly packaging available.  The Company also  supports
Sustainable Agriculture, Fair Trade practices, and multiple non-profit organizations.

Over Thirty Mommy's ThoughtsWe had a difficult time locating the foods at our local stores but were finally able to find the organic frozen purees after visiting 4 stores.  We never did find the fruit snacks that I was most excited to try.   Even though Wiggle Bean is 15 months, we got the Hip 2B Pear and Life's A Peach flavors from the stage one group and the Bangos from stage two.  Bean likes fruit pouches so I knew she would love these purees and I was not wrong.  Bean is currently cutting her incisors and likes to have cold foods to sooth her gums.  I used a fork and "shaved" off some of the frozen puree and put it into her Fresh Food Feeder.  She loved it, emptying the feeder it in no time, and was asking for more.  It was basically a banana mango Popsicle (with out all the bad sugars!), and it helped her through the pain of teething.  She is still working on mastering her utensils (messy process) but likes trying to scoop the puree from the little container, occasionally she gives up on the spoon all together and just slurps it straight from the dish (really need to work on those manners but it is so cute).

I really like that they are organic and have minimal ingredients. The entire ingredient list for Bangos consisted of organic banana, organic mango, water and organic vanilla.  It couldn't be simpler than that.  Man to they taste good!  I sampled a little (just being a good mom and trying it out for her) and wow YUM.  I debated eating the rest of the container but she gave me that little smile and I knew I had to save it for her.

Would I buy them again?  Absolutely!  I will continue to search for the fruit snacks but will definitely be buying the frozen purees again (ans soon if she keeps going thought them like water!)

Where to Buy
Tastybaby foods are available at select Whole Foods and Super Target stores across the country as well as from and many other retailers.  They have a  locator tool on their website to help you find the store nearest you.

One Over Thirty Mommy reader will win 5 Free vouchers that can be redeemed for ANY Tasty Brand product (frozen organic baby food, infant cereal, cereal bars & fruit snacks).

How to Enter: Mandatory
visit Tastybaby and tell me which product and flavor you would like to try the most.
Extra Entries:
You must complete the mandatory entry before doing any extra entries.

  • Follow Over Thirty Mommy publicly (join followers on right-hand sidebar) (1 entry)
  • Subscribe to Over Thirty Mommy via Reader or email. (1 entry each)
  • Follow Over Thirty Mommy and Tastybaby on Twitter and tweet about this review/giveaway. (leave link to tweet)
  • Grab my Blog Button (2 entries).
  • Fan Over Thirty Mommy and Tastybaby on Facebook
  • Blog about the giveaway on your site and link back to Over Thirty Mommy and Tastybaby (leave a link to your post in comment) (5 entries!!!)
  • Add Over Thirty Mommy to your Technorati Favorites. Then leave a comment telling me you did so and under what username.  Add to Technorati Favorites (2 entries)
Please leave a separate comment for each entry.  Good luck!

This giveaway is open to U.S. only. You do not need to be a blogger to enter, but you must have a valid email address in your comment or on your blogger profile and be age 18 years or older.
Winner will be chosen via a Random Drawing.  Winners that I am unable to contact or one who does not claim their prize within 72 hours of being sent their winning email notification will forfeit their prize.

Giveaway ends midnight PST on Friday 4/30

**Disclaimer: I was not paid in any form of cash for this posting.  I received vouchers to purchase the foods for the purpose of my reviewThis is solely the opinion of Over Thirty Mommy. Other people may have different experiences with the product.**  


Christie said... 1

lifes a peach

jakiesmom said... 2

i'd like to try squash em frozen puree

jakiesmom said... 3

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Chrissyb said... 5

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Chrissyb said... 6

Oh, I would just LOVE for my son to try out the Hip 2B Pear. He just started to eat solides and LOVES LOVES pears. Thanks

Chrissyb said... 7

follow you and tasty baby on twitter & tweeted

Chrissyb said... 8

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Chrissyb said... 11

added you to Technorati Favorites under lilbabybootie

Chrissyb said... 12

added you to Technorati Favorites under lilbabybootie

Unknown said... 13

am also an RSS feed subscriber!

Unknown said... 14

would love to try the fruit snacks. they sound so much better than all the processed crap out there! : )

Chrissyb said... 15


Chrissyb said... 16


Momma Lyngheim said... 17

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Momma Lyngheim said... 18

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Momma Lyngheim said... 19

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Momma Lyngheim said... 21

Sweetie Pie sounds yummy

jen ragan said... 22

Hi! I'm new to blogging and your newest follower. Funny, I just blogged about wanting make my own baby food.
Please visit me:

polly said... 23

would like to try the organic fruit gummy snacks in the mixed fruit flavor.

Nicole said... 24

We havent introduced solids to JoHanna yet but when we do I'd love for her to try the Stage 2 bongos! I'd like her to try a wide variety of fruits! Thanks

Nicole said... 25

I'm Following you :)

melanie said... 26

Connor is 8 months old and loves his veggies. I would love for him to try the Peas on Earth. Thanks for the chance.

melanie said... 27

Melanie Calcut is a fan of Over Thirty Mommy and Tastybaby on Facebook

melanie said... 28

Benita said... 29

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Benita said... 30

I'd like to try the Organic Fruit Cereal Bars in Pumpkin Pie flavor the most.


Benita said... 31

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Anonymous said... 32

I want to try the Sweetie Pie

Anonymous said... 33

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is this a daily tweet?

Anonymous said... 37


RaettigFamily said... 38

I'd like to get some of the purees, especially the Squash 'Em.

Anonymous said... 39


I think sweetie pie sounds yummy!

RaettigFamily said... 40

I'm a new email subscriber to your site.

RaettigFamily said... 41

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Anonymous said... 42

I'd like to try Tasty Dreams Brown Rice
digicat {AT} sbcglobal {DOT} net

Anonymous said... 43

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digicat {AT} sbcglobal {DOT} net

Anonymous said... 44

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digicat {AT} sbcglobal {DOT} net

Anonymous said... 45

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Tylerpants said... 46

My son would enjoy the Organic Fruit Snacks - Sport Fruit. Yum! tylerpants(at)

Tylerpants said... 47

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trixx said... 50

The Organic Pumpkin Pie Cereal Bars looks delicious!

trixx said... 51

I follow your blog!

trixx said... 52

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