
Friday, April 9, 2010

2010 Ultimate Blog Party Time!!

Ultimate Blog Party 2010

I'm so excited to be joining 5 Minutes for Mom's Ultimate Blog Party .  This is my first experience with the Ultimate Blog Party, so if I do this wrong, please forgive me!

For those not familiar with the Ultimate Blog party, it is a great way to meet new friends, find new blogs to follow and win super prizes!

A special hello to all my regular readers and welcome to any new readers!  For those of you that are new to Over Thirty Mommy, I am a new recent first time mom that waited until I was "older" to have my first (and probably only) child.  I blog about my life with Wiggle Bean and how I struggle to balance life as a mom, wife and work outside of the home.  I regularly review and giveaway products that are family friendly and help make life as a parent a little easier. 

Wiggle Bean (not her real name!) was born in January 2009 and is one of the best things that has happened to me. I know all moms say that but she is so great (a little bit of a wild one, but still great).  She still has that little bear and will not go to bed without it, I tried to swap it out for a different one and she wanted nothing to do with it (man I hope we never lose him because I checked and he is discontinued.  Someone actually wanted $40 for it on Ebay)

Bean is now 15 months and keeps me on my toes 24/7!  Mom mom says she is a miniature me, oh great now I am in trouble!  I remember how I was as a teenager and if my mom knew the half of it she would have had a heart attack!

 See that "What?, It wasn't me/I didn't do it" look?  Yep, I patented that! right along with the "look how innocent and cute I am" look pictured below.

Choc-O-Holic! At least she got something good from me!Hopefully she will also get my passion for shoes and purses! Wait maybe not!

Back to the reason you are here, the Ultimate Blog Party!!!Bloggers and non-bloggers are all welcome to participate and enter to win a number of really great prizes with the grand prize (which I would LOVE to win!!!) being a Toshiba Satellite L505D-ES5025

There’s so many other awesome prizes!  As my top four (hard to pick just 4 out of such a great list), I selected:
(Because mommy deserves some pampering too!!)

USC 17 – A $200 Apple Gift certificate. Provided by: CmomGo
 (Momma needs a new phone!)

3 – A $150 shopping spree at A Rocking Horse To Love. Provided by: A Rocking Horse To Love and  5 Minutes for Mom
(they are so adorable!)

USC 33 – A $50 gift card to Lindt Chocolate. Provided by: Michelle
 (I told you earlier that I was a Choc-o-holic!)

If those are already chosen, I would also love (see what I mean about only selecting 4) US#'s 15,31,32,35,37,39,49,50,52,55,61,63,69,70,74,71,72,74,77,87,88,104,107,112,113. USC #'s 3,8,13,15,32,35,36,37,39,40,41,44,57,63.  Really, I would love to win any of the prizes as they are all so great!

Don't take my word for it, check out the awesome list of prizes available for yourself!

Thanks for stopping by Over Thirty Mommy, have a great time at the Ultimate Blog Party


Angie said... 1

Just stopping by from the UBP 2010. It very nice to meet you! You have a lovely blog!
Have a great day!

Anonymous said... 2

Coming over from the party. Not my first time here so hello again! Love the photos she is a doll. Have a wonderful weekend!

Tammy-Lee said... 3

What a beautiful little girl. I am a over 30 mom too but we started early and mine are over 10 years old. Stop by and have a visit if you can find some time.

Xenia said... 4

Thank you so much for stopping by and your wonderful compliments, you're definitely welcome anytime! Plus, I think your blog is adorable! :)

Frugal Sara said... 5

She is SO cute! Stopping in from the UBP! Have a great weekend and happy blog hopping.

LivinOurDash said... 6

Hi! Stopping by from UBP! I saw the name of your blog and had to stop by since I too was over 30 when my son was born. He's an only and just turned 9 years old yesterday! I love your intro - the photos are great!

Kimberly said... 7

just stopping by from the blog party! your daughter is adorable! I hope we both win a prize!!!
have a great weekend!

Sunny Simple Life said... 8

Saw the name of your blog. Cute. I had my last baby at 41. Older moms rock. She keeps my on my tows. I love it. Keeps us young minded chasing those babies.

Unknown said... 9

Stopping by from UBP. Your little one is just precious! I enjoy following your blog. You have some great giveaways. I'd love for you to stop by my site if you get a chance!

Scatteredmom said... 10

Coming over from the party! :) I'm an over 30 mom too-39 and have a 14 year old.

Wiggle Bean is a cutie and yes, all those Twix Bars? Yum. (grin)

Unknown said... 11

I love the name of your blog, I am 41 and my son is 4 and I am tired most of the time to keep up with him, I am following you from UBP 2010
I hope to be a follower and you can come check me out. I love your photos when baby was so tiny.

A Maui Blog said... 12

There really is no right and wrong on the UBP post- it's a party - let's have fun!

Nice blog meeting you!

Audra Michelle said... 13

So glad I stopped by! Wiggle Bean is just too cute! Happy party week!

I'm an over 30 mom as well - had my first at 31 and will have my 2nd shortly before my 33rd birthday. I'm sure I'd have more energy if I were younger, but I wouldn't change anything for the world!


Irene said... 14

Lovely meeting you. Sweet blessings to your family.

Ms D said... 15

Your daughter is so cute! Happy party week :)

Aimeé said... 16

Hi Mama!

Stopping by for the party! I'm 34 and have a 17 month old, so we have a few things in common! I blog about art stuff with kids, so stop by if you get a chance!


Kady L. said... 17

Hi there! Stopping by from the UBP!! I am your newest follower and would love if you'd stop by my blog. I only started last month so I'm 'still new' but it's coming along!

Jennifer said... 18

Just stopped by for the party. Your daughter is very cute.

Andrea Kruse said... 19

Hi! I am also an over 30 Mommy with 2 in diapers. I am enjoying the party an am glad to get to know you a bit better. Always great to make new bloggy friends.

Candice said... 20

Hi, I found you on UBP. I am also over 30 mom, but I have 3. My youngest is only 1 mo younger then your daughter. So I hear you on the preciousness of those young little girls. Great to meet another blogging mama. Come check me out.

sodahoney said... 21

wish I knew what a blog party is. What you do. etc.

jakiesmom said... 22

i am already a follower but just stopped in from say i enjoy your blog...

Hope @ It's a Vivas Thing! said... 23

Coming to join in the party. Love the name of your blog...although I had some after 30...most were before. It dawned on me this week that I may be a grandma in my forties! Yikes!

Anonymous said... 24

We'd love for you to check out our website, The Power of Moms. A site where mothers worldwide can draw strength from one another as we navigate through motherhood! Happy UBP 2010.

Amanda said... 25

Stopping by from UBP. Nice to "meet" you.

Anonymous said... 26

Hi! Stopping by from UBP-I LOVE your site & LOVE your name-I am also an over 30 mommy and am always exhausted with my little one, too! Also a girl....I started blogging in January and love it so far. Please feel free to stop by and visit when partying! I am def going to be following you now. I am always seeking great blogs for inspiration and yours is just wonderful. I am so happy I found it in the sea of blogs out there. BTW, your daughter is a cutie pie!!! Jessie

Unknown said... 27

your blog name jumped out at me over at the blog party. From one over 30 mom to another, hello. Just wanted to say hi.
- elizabeth

Mary Jo said... 28

Hi! I'm here from UBP and checking out as many blogs as I can! :) Love your site and your daughter is so cute!

Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said... 29

Love your blog and am a new follower...This is such a fun party and I have already met some of the greatest bloggers... I am amazed at all the different and creative blogs. Stop by for a visit...just leave a comment on any of the last few posts on either blog and you are eligible for the GRAND PRIZE $100 GIFT BASKET!

Kris said... 30

Stopping by from the UBP. Great blog. Your little girl is adorable.

Chanin said... 31

Stopping by from UBP to say hello! Wiggle Bean is adorable!

Maria@ChicaBellaCrafts said... 32

came over from UBP, your baby girl is adorable, boy does she love chocolate. I have two boys (7 and 10 yrs old) so I don't see myself shopping with them for shoes and purses anytime in the future. When I need "girl" time I go to crop parties. Hope you're having a fantastic Tuesday!!! good luck on the giveaways.

Jenny said... 33


Nice to meet you! :D Just stopping by from the party to say howdy. Love your blog.

Have a great weekend and happy UBP! :D And hope to see you stop by sometime!!


Anonymous said... 34

Stopping by from UBP'10.

I'm an over 30 first time (probably only time) mom too. I look forward to reading more!

Daisygirl said... 35

Coming over from the UBP, I hope your having fun!
Your little girl is adorable!

Mama M. said... 36

Your "Bean" is adorable!!

Stopping by from UBP!

Tiffany said... 37

Visiting from UBP10! Your little girl is adorable. :)

Shonda said... 38

I'm an over thirty mama too! My baby is 16 months old. -Shonda @ Knowlton Nest (

SugarPlumsMomma said... 39

Another over 30 mom here - mom to a beautiful 4 month of daughter. Stopping by from the UBP! Hope you can stop back at my blog -


Unknown said... 40

The little ones definitely don't stay that way. And that's okay. Our Little One is now 18 years old, 6 ft 4inches tall but he's still our baby!
Love your blog and really enjoyed my visit.
I think this is my 3rd year. Not sure but really enjoy meeting new bloggers.
Great prizes this year! I hope you win one..or two.
I was late too but fashionable late for the UBP 2010.

Superchikk said... 41

Stopping by from UBP. Another over 30 Mom...I have a 2 yr old boy. I hope you can stop by my little corner of the internet at

Melissa (@adventuroo) said... 42

Stopping by from UBP. Your blog design is ADORABLE!! My son is THREE and still sleeps with his favorite bear (I've written a few blog posts about Burt the bear). We don't have a replacement for him either!

Anonymous said... 43

Hi, It's my first UBP too! Your daughter is adorable! It was so cute that she was attached to that little doll at such a young age...

Anyway, come visit me too!


Anonymous said... 44

Hi, It's my first UBP too! Your daughter is adorable! It was so cute that she was attached to that little doll at such a young age...

Anyway, come visit me too!


Stephanie said... 45

Conga-ing through from the UBP! Your daughter is adorable! I'm an over-30 mom, too - I was 34 when my elder daughter was born and almost 37 when my younger daughter was born - so you are not alone!

Stephanie said... 46

I forgot to say - I love making the clouds and butterflies move with my mouse! How cool is THAT?!!

Jess said... 47

Stopping by from UBP10
your daughter is so cute. I have two boys keep hoping for the girl (maybe in a few years)

Unknown said... 48

Just stopping by for the party!!! You have a great blog and I'm following you now!
amber :)

Maria@ChicaBellaCrafts said... 49

Your baby girl is precious. It's so true, we get such little sleep with our toddlers but enjoy every second with them. Love your blog, so much information for parents. Happy Thursday!!

Heather (One Take On Life) said... 50

stopping by from the UBP. I am an over thirty mom too, although I did have my first in my late 20's.
What a cutie your daughter is:)

dedesmith32 said... 51

It's been wonderful getting to know you through your blog!

Audra Michelle said... 52

finally making my rounds to do return visits from the blog party! Thanks for visiting my blog! I really like your blog - I added it to my After-Party post!


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//PART 2