
Monday, April 5, 2010

Back and Ready for More Fun

I took short blog break but I am back now and ready to start the fun again.  Thank you to the all wonderful sponsors and  my loyal readers for making my first blog event a big hit.  

I started Over Thirty Mommy last July as a way to vent about being a new "older" mom.  I love writing about Wiggle Bean and all of her accomplishments and shenanigans.  The natural course of the blog world led me to writing reviews and hosting giveaways for some really great products that are related to families and children.  

With one sister having just had a new little boy and the other being due in two weeks (or less), it seemed like a great idea to throw a Baby Shower Extravaganza event to coincide with the actual baby shower for her.  I was amazed how busy things got and how many wonderful sponsors would be so excited to join in the fun. 

Over a two week period, I posted reviews about 25 great products and hosted 20+ giveaways.  It was much harder and more time consuming than I ever imagined.  I have gained so much respect for those bloggers that host these types of events on a regular basis and totally understand why they team with other blogs and work together for these events.

I was exahusted after the last post went up on the 20th and other than promoting and announcing willers for the giveaways, I took a short blog break.  I want to apoligize for the break in posts and for the lack of personal posts lately.  I hope to balance the number of family posts with review posts in the future.

Now that I am refreshed and revived, I have some great posts coming up regarding organic baby/toddler foods but will not forget to post family stories for those readers that enjoy them. The things Wiggle Bean is up to these days will crack you up.  She is so literal and she at only 14 1/2 months old.

Stay tuned, there are more great things to come at Over Thirty Mommy!


Anonymous said... 1

WOW... sounds like you've been super busy.
I have been away from the bloggy world for a while as well, and it looks like i've missed out on a lot of goings on....

Missed reading your posts while I was gone, got me some catching up to do now.
Hope you're doing well...

EmmysBoosAndRawrs said... 2

Glad to hear that your event was a success! I did a baby week back in February, and it seemed to me at the exact sam etime that SO many blogs were doing valentines events - not sure if that was teh reason or not, but even though I was posting my butt off, I gained six or seven new follwers over the course of the week, so maybe one or two more than I would on any given week? & my giveaways had very 'average' number of entries. So although I didn't feel that it was unsuccessful, because my readers seemed to love it and enter allt he giveaways...I was a bit bummed that I did SO much work for such tiny payoff in terms of stats.

I would liek to try doing an event again at some time in the future, but I think I will plan it as far from other holidays as possible so there will be less likely to be a ton of other 'events' going on on review blogs. :)

Cascia Talbert said... 3

It does sound like you are keeping busy! Good luck with all the reviews and giveaways coming up!


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//PART 2