
Friday, October 30, 2009

Mott's Halloween Costume Contest Entry

If you are on Facebook, you can vote for my entry “Wiggle Bug” for the best costume on Mott’s Halloween Costume Contest. Please Vote for her here Grand Prize $500 Target gift card and $50 worth of Mott’s products! 2nd Prize $200 Target gift card and $20 worth of Mott’s products! 3rd Prize Mott’s coupons totaling $30 Contest...

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Halloween Recall Allert: Halloween Flashlights Sold Exclusively at Target Recalled Due to Burn Hazard

The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, in cooperation with the firm named below, today announced a voluntary recall of the following consumer product. Consumers should stop using recalled products immediately unless otherwise instructed. Name of Product: Halloween Flashlights Units: About 610,000 Importer: Target, of Minneapolis,...

Product Warning: CPSC Urges Parents and Caregivers to Stop Using “My Baby Soother” Pacifiers Due to Choking Hazard

CPSC is issuing this warning because T & L Trading has refused to recall these pacifiers.   The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) is urging parents and caregivers to immediately stop providing “My Baby Soother” pacifiers to their children. The pacifiers were distributed by T & L Trading Corp., of Brooklyn,...

Monday, October 26, 2009

Our First Halloween!

I am so excited for Wiggle Bean's first Halloween, even though we will not be going out Trick-or-Treating. I shopped for weeks for the perfect costume.  What should she be? A fairy, a princess, maybe a bunny or a lion.  After much deliberation I decided on a ladybug.  Then I started looking at  the many different ladybug...

Hot Lunch Dates Review and Giveaway CLOSED

Since having Wiggle Bean in January, my husband and I have had only one "date". A while ago I wrote about wondering how to balance all my roles as a wife, mother and individual.  My sister was kind enough to offer to watch Wiggle for an evening and we planned our first date night.  Things did not work out as we planned and date...


I was so excited this evening when I logged in and saw that I had reached 100 followers.  I had heard of blogging but never really put much thought in to is.   After I had my baby in January, I started reading mommy blogs for advise and parenting tips and tricks.  I had so much fun reading blogs while I was on maternity leave that I decided I wanted to start my own blog.  In May I told my husband that...

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Bath Luve Review and Giveaway CLOSED

Wiggle Bean has loved taking baths from day one (yes, even in the hospital, she loved the bath).  She loves to splash and play in the tub, she would stay in there for hours if I let her. Personally I am not a fan of cold water (or even warm water for that matter), I love my baths and showers scorching, the hotter the better. ...

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Five for Fighting “Slice” CD Review

  Thanks to One2One Network, I was recently able to preview the new Five For Fighting album, Slice, featuring the song "Chances", available October 13th.  Singer/songwriter John Ondrasik has spent the past decade writing deeply personal songs that include social messages, invoke the human spirit and make an emotional connection. ...

Wordless Wednesday: Reporter

This is Wiggle Bean reporting from the floor, Now back to you Mom. For more Wordless Wednesday visit 5 Minutes For Mom or

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Toys R Us baby food recall

Plum Organics Voluntarily Recalls Select Batch of Apple & Carrot Portable Pouches Due to Potential Health RiskPlum Organics ™ announced today that it is taking the precautionary measure of voluntarily recalling one particular batch of its 4.22oz. Apple & Carrot Portable Pouch baby food with the best by date May 21, 2010 and marked with the following universal product code (UPC) #890180001221 located on the bottom of the...

Friday, October 16, 2009

Review and Giveaway: Shaklee Basic H2 Organic Cleaner CLOSED

I never really thought about the nasty chemicals in household cleaners until I became pregnant.  I became ultra sensitive to what I was using and what was in the products I used.  I try not to even think about the dollar amount, of cleaning products, that I threw away (while nesting of course) because I no longer felt they were...

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Review & Giveaway: SmartZip Sleeper CLOSED

WINNER #55 Jannai Have you ever wondered how to change a diaper in the night without having to fully undress and wake up a sleeping baby? Hate it when sleep gowns bunch up around your baby's waist and leave their legs exposed? Tired of fumbling with a million tiny snaps in the dark? If you answered yes to one or more of these questions,...

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Wordless Wednesday - Sunday Paper

Wiggle Bean was "helping" me read the Sunday pape...

Silly Kids Photo Contest

I have posted this one before as a Wordless Wednesday but I felt it deserved another post and an entry into the Silly Kids contest at 5 Minutes For Mom....

Friday, October 9, 2009

Accepting the FTC Disclosure Guidelines with a Smile

The recent ruling from the FTC about disclosing our relationships with companies who have paid us to endorse or review products is a hot topic in the blog world. Like most bloggers, I have a main disclosure on my website and I have recently begun adding a short, more specific, disclosure to the end of review/giveaway posts. Some bloggers are mad about the new guidelines and some do not concern themselves with the new guidelines...

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Giveaway & Review: Annee Matthew Criss Cross Pajama Set CLOSED

WINNER #88 Meet The Browns One day while searching blogs for breastfeeding tips and advice, I came across Mommy News and Views.  This blog is part of A Mother's Boutique, a fantastic online store that focuses on helping new mothers breastfeed by providing all of the tools that they need in one convenient location. A Mother’s Boutique...

Over Thirty Mommy Copyright © 2009 Flower Garden is Designed by Ipietoon for Tadpole's Notez Flower Image by Dapino | Blogger Styles

//PART 2