
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

SleepBuddy Complete Sleep System (giveaway!)

SleepBuddy Complete Sleep System

If you want the short version of my review of the SleepBuddy Complete sleep system review here it is:

THANK YOU SleepBuddy!!!!

If you are interested in more details please continue reading!

My daughter just turned three (don't ask me where the time went, I am still trying to figure that out for myself) and we were still having trouble keeping her in her bed at night.

Getting to bed was not usually a problem, we have had a pretty consistent routine from early on but staying in our bed through the night and not getting up at the crack of dawn were another story.  She is usually in bed for reading time by 8:00 and ready for sleepy time by 8:30 but no matter what we did, she would get up in the night and was usually up and ready to go for the day by 6:00 and it seemed to be getting earlier and earlier every day.

Even when we would let her stay up a little later on Saturday nights, she was still up and ready to play by 6:00.  We usually get up around 6:30ish during the week to get ready for work/school so that was not a huge deal (although that last half hour of sleep seemed like 8 hours when she would get me up early day after day) but pre child, I enjoyed me some sleeping in on the weekends so it was tough to get up early on weekends and be ready to play what ever caught her eye at that awful time of morning.

I have tried (over and over) to encourage her to quietly read books in her room if she wakes up and it is still dark outside but that just has not worked for us yet.

When offered a change to try out the SleepBuddy system and get a consistent 8 hours of uninterrupted hours of sleep with a chance for a little extra on the weekends, I jumped on it.

 About the SleepBuddy Complete Sleep System
The SleepBuddy system is designed to teach health sleep habits to children ages 1 1/2 to 6 years old. The main feature of SleepBuddy is a soft blue light that sits on a table or dresser.  The light stays on when the child is to stay in bed.  When the light turns off, children know that they can get out of bed.  In addition to the light, the SleepBuddy system also includes:
  • A children's story to introduce the SleepBuddy System idea to kids, encourage quality interaction, and reinforce health sleep habits.
  • A rewards chart to track and reward progress
  • An easy-to-use parent's guide that provides a step-by-step approach towards sleep success.
How it works
Three simple steps towards sound, health sleep
1. Present and explain SleepBuddy to your child. The system includes an engaging children’s book to help your child understand the concept.
2. Program the soft blue light to turn on for scheduled nap time and when it is time for your child to go bed at night. Place the light in his/her room where it can be seen from the bed.
3. Record your child’s progress with the included incentive chart and smiley stickers. When a goal is reached, choose a reward that you feel is right for your child.

Over Thirty Mommy's Thoughts
My daughter is some how under the impression that everything that arrives at our  house is a present for her.  So when the SleepBuddy package arrived, she laid claim to it right away and upon opening the outer box to find a beautifully wrapped "gift" inside, that only cemented her belief that it was a present for her.  I did not even have time to take a picture of the wrapping before she ripped it open to reveal the SleepBuddy system inside.  She was fascinated by the pictures on the box asking what it was.  I explained that it was a special gift or her at bedtime.

I took the light out of the box and programmed it while in the living room then took it to her room and realized that I had to reprogram it all over again (I should have read the instructions to see that there was no battery back up, maybe a good idea for the next generation SleepBuddy!).  After reprogramming the SleepBuddy light and getting it all set up in her room for bed time, I waited and watched the clock for the perfect timing to start out bedtime routine to time it just right.

We brushed our teeth, went potty, put on our jammies and climbed into bed to read the included SleepBuddy

We have been using the SleepBuddy for over a month now, since the first night we have read the book countless times and my sleep has improved immensely.  She rarely gets out of bed during the night.  I do still get the occasional "MOMMMMM" call during the night but it is usually because her light is on and she needs to go potty.  We had to adjust the story ending to include an exclusion clause to allow her out of bed when the light is on for potty trips but that she must get right back in bed afterwards.

Weekend sleeping in is still lacking but we are experimenting with adjusting the SleepBuddy wake-up time slightly for Saturday and Sunday mornings.  It could be just my but I do have a tough time programming the times into the light unit but if it gets me even 30 minutes of extra sleep on Saturday morning, I will struggle through.  Maybe for version 2.0 of the SleepBuddy system, they could make each day programmable separately so that you can have different wake up times for the weekend!

Here is your chance to win!

ONE lucky reader will win a SleepBuddy Complete Sleep System of their own!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Kim said... 1

Awesome and innovative!

polly said... 2

our three year old grandson is having a hard time staying in his bed...goes in with his mommy & daddy. this would be great!

jakiesmom said... 3

my son wakes up wayyyyyy before he's supposed to, would love this
nannypanpan at

Declan Cash's Mom said... 4

My son gets up and comes in our room, so I never get to sleep late on the weekends (because, of course, he gets me up - not Dad).

Anonymous said... 5

Amy Miller

My son has a hard time going to sleep and after I read this, this just maybe my last option!!

tavernie said... 6

My grandson that is 2 still wakes up through the night,I would love to try this! I could use a whole night of sleep!

Unknown said... 7

My nephew has a hard time going to sleep at night. I hope this will help. Raffle Copter: happi shopr

mverno said... 8

i would help my grandson to learn proper sleeping habits and let my son and his wife get more sleep and privacy.

Leenburke said... 9

Anything that can help my kid settle down at bedtime would help me tremendously!
leenburke at yahoo dot com

Unknown said... 10

My daughter has trouble staying in bed at night and during naps. I'd love to use the Sleep Buddy to establish a firm routine.

shel704 at aol dot com

Gina said... 11

I have a feeling we are going to need this with our son, he is 14 months old.
yummyfaerie at hotmail dot com

Unknown said... 12

My son has a hard time knowing when to stay in bed and when he is suppose to get up. This would help a lot with that

Jessica said... 13

My boys hate to sleep in their own room at night.. Maybe this would help them!

Jade Rahl said... 14

My toddler is having trouble with sleeping in his own room at night after he wakes up to a bad dream and I'm thinking this might just be our ticket to getting him back to sleep at night

Unknown said... 15

I would love to win so that my son would know not to get up at 6 am!

Paula Michele Hafner

Kimberly said... 16

My little girl is still too young for this. I know my sister could really use this to help my niece stay in bed during the early morning hours. I think she'd be nice and hand it down to us when we're ready. :)

Cassie said... 17

I'm not to the point of needing this yet, but it sounds like it would be great for helping the little one sleep! said... 18

My kids would fall asleep faster leaving more me time.

Bonnie said... 19

This would be amazing! We've got a baby on the way and I'm sure this would help her sleep!

unclebonald at gmail dot com

Rachel said... 20

this will come in handy when it comes time to transition my daughter to a big girl bed

Tamar said... 21

I am expecting AND the baby will be sharing a room with my 2 year old son so this is going to be a BIG deal. Thank you in advance.
tam s.

bigbossross1 said... 22

We're expecting in May and could use a little extra help.

sweepsking35 at yahoodotcom

January TOrres said... 23

Hi there Love this, my 8 year old still has a hard time falling asleep!

Dawn Reid said... 24

dawn reid

Unknown said... 25

my daughter dont like sleeping in the room by herself.this might help her out

daveshir2005 said... 26

I think this would be great for my niece and her transition into a big bed.

fb/ shirley greenawalt zolenski
twitter,gfc,stumble/ daveshir2005
google +/ shirley pebbles

Deborah Hogue said... 27

I like the idea that the baby can learn that when the light is on, its bedtime and when it's off, its time to get up and play. Sounds like it would be great for my grandbaby and end up being less of a hassle for them at bedtime


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//PART 2