
Monday, August 31, 2009

Time for a Sippy Cup?

Wiggle Bean is just over 7 months old but she does not hold her own bottles.  I think this is more out of laziness (because she knows I will do it for her, smart on her part!) than the lack of ability to hold it on her own. That being said, I think it might be time to get her a sippy cup or transition her to a regular big girl cup.   ***...

How Do You Balance Being a Mom, a Wife and an Individual?

There never seems to be enough hours in the day to be everyone that I need to be.  How does one person find the time to be a great mom, attentive wife, capable employee and still have time to be herself? My day starts at 5:00 A.M. (when Wiggle Bean does not get us up early).  I get up and shower for work.  Then I start the...

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Wordless Wednesday #3

 Not quite ready for summer to end, Rocking our Baby Banz Sunglasses.For more Wordless Wednesday visit 5 Minutes for Mom. ...

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


WARNING: This post might contain a topic you consider TMI!! I will try to keep the graphic details to a minimum.Saturday we had a birthday party to attend for my nephew, who was turning 16. He got a car! I never got a car but that is another story. I like Wiggle to be the cutest on there so we tried on about 12 outfits before making...

Friday, August 21, 2009

All Tuckered Out

After a couple really rough nights things are slowly getting back to normal.I talked to daycare and we are working on setting a regular nap schedule. Well as regular as you can get with a 7 month old. She was never really the best at napping and would often go with out any naps during the day.Now that we are regulating naps at daycare,...

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

I Need Sleep!!!!

I LOVE my Wiggle Bean but man I need some sleep! Wiggle Bean will be 7 months old this weekend and has only slept through the night a total of 4 times, and none of them were consecutive nights.A standard evening schedule is feeding around 5:30 when we get home, solid food dinner around 6:30, and an 8oz bedtime bottle around 8:00. She is...

Wordless Wednesday

Wiggle Bean's Baptismal DressVisit 5 Minutes for mom for more Wordless Wednesday Pho...

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Wiggle Bean's First Cold

With all the great first we have had since Wiggle Bean came in to our lives, First smile, first laugh, first time sitting, first tooth, first solid food experience, I was least looking forward to her first illness. Clearly I was caught unprepared for the experience of having my little Wiggle Bean sick. The feeling of helplessness is almost unbearable. Unable to determine what hurt or how to help her made me feel like a terrible...

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Spotlight on PR

Feels Like Home and Adrienne’s House are hosting a Spotlight on PR event. I would love to take this opportunity to introduce myself to the PR professionals out there! I am still new to blogging. I have been following various blogs since January while I was on maternity leave and started my own blog in July 2009, not to do reviews or giveaways,...

Wordless Wednesday

Where's Baby?For more Wordless Wednesday visit 5 Minutes for Mom....

Friday, August 7, 2009

Six Month Growth Spurt?

Wiggle Bean (ok, not her real name but that is what I will call her on this blog) has been eating like a champ these past couple nights. Yeah!!!For some reason she only eats about 8 ounces of milk a day at daycare, sometimes only 4 ounces. This is for an entire day, 6:45 AM to 4:45 PM. I usually nurse her before taking her to daycare but I still think that only 4-8 ounces a day seems a little low. I assume she would let...

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Mommy's Day off!

After my Mommy Confession post, I received a suggestion of giving hubby a bottle and telling him it was his turn. I took this advise and ran with it. This past Saturday, my sister and I decided we were having a mommy day off. We took off around 9:00 for a baby show and then out for a day of shopping. I had been saving some gift cards and a little bit of cash that I stashed away. I told myself that when I lost all the baby...

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//PART 2