
Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Tis' the Season for Illnesses

Tis' The Season For Illnesses

The cold and flu season is upon us.  It seems like every where we go be it family gatherings, school, and work we are surrounded by people with some sort of illness.

My full time job is in the human resources field.  I manage the benefits and leaves for a large company.  Handling medical leaves day in and day out, I see many illnesses both short term and long term.  Some cases where I know that the employee or their family member will be good as new soon and some where the illness is much more serious and there is no cure.

These cases make me wonder what I can do to help.  In my job, one of the only things I feel I can do is be supportive and help them with benefit questions and issues.  If I were a doctor or scientist , I would hope that I was smart enough to help sick people or even create a cure for an illness. Another way the average Joe (like me) can help is to fund clinical trials and medical research projects through cureLauncher.   

I had a grandmother that passed many many years ago of cancer.  I know that illnesses like cancer are complex but there have been a few big breaks in the search for the cure.  I have no doubt that there are great scientists available to work on cures so why is there still is no good cure for cancer.  I suppose the easiest answers would be time and funding. 



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