
Wednesday, April 25, 2012 Gourmet Brownie Sampler FLASH Giveaway Gourmet Brownie FLASH Giveaway I have a huge sweet tooth and the gourmet brownies from Gourmet Gift Baskets hit the spot! As part of the 2011 Over Thirty Mommy Holiday Gift Guide, I introduced you to the great gift baskets offered by so when they contacted me about their Gourmet Brownies,...

Disney/Pixar BRAVE Trailer "Families Legend"

Disney/Pix ar BRAVE Trailer "Families Legend"  The Summer Movie season is heating up with the newest Disney/Pixar collaboration and it is definitely on the top of my daughter's must see list.  Check out the newest trailer release "Families Legend" "Like" BRAVE on Facebook: BRAVE arrives in...

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Maggie's Direct & Stonewall Kitchen Mother's Day Promotion

Maggie's Direct & Stonewall Kitchen Mother's Day Promotion Looking for the perfect Mother's Day gift?  Look no further than Maggie's Direct and their Stonewall Kitchen Blueberry Batter Bowl Gift Set for only $49.95 with Free Shipping -Now through May 13th,  buyers will get back $25 in Social Bucks in their account - that...

Friday, April 20, 2012

The 2012 Ultimate Blog Party at 5 Minutes for Mom

The 2012 Ultimate Blog Party at 5 Minutes for Mom is well underway. Sorry for not sharing it sooner, I almost missed it myself! It ends TONIGHT! This year they boast a whopping $21,200+ in prizes to be awarded! The #UBP12 is a HUGE giveaway event that happens once a year. I know I’m a little, but better late than never right and there’s...

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Farm Rich Snacks and Appetizers Review and Giveaway

Farm Rich Snacks and Appetizers Review and Giveaway Saturday evenings at our house is family night, we call it Saturday Special.  Wiggle Bean picks out her movie of choice for the evening, we fix up a handful of yummy snacks and the three of us gather in the living room and veg out for the evening. A few of our regular snacks are mozzarella...

Sunday, April 15, 2012

SnoreRx Pillow Liners Relief for Snorers and their Loved Ones: Review and Giveaway

SnoreRx Pillow LinersRelief for Snorers and their Loved OnesReview and Giveaway Raise your hand if you have a snorer in the house.  If you could see me you would see that I have 2 hands up in the air.  My husband sounds like he is sawing logs and my daughter is trimming the branches. Sometimes it can keep me from falling asleep...

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Evenflo’s ExerSaucer ‘Jump Start’ Video Contest (win over $500!)

Think your baby’s got bounce?  In honor of its new ExerSaucer Jump & Learn, Evenflo is calling all moms, dads and caregivers to submit videos of their little tikes jumping – in or out of an ExerSaucer – for a chance to win an ExerSaucer Jump & Learn Jam Session and $500 towards higher education (children 4+ months to walking...

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

NEW! Yoplait® Greek Coconut and Cherry Pomegranate Multipacks

NEW! Yoplait® Greek Coconut and Cherry Pomegranate Multipacks   Greek yogurt is all the rage now, it is higher in protein, lower in carbohydrates, and creamier.   Even with all the great benefits I have been hesitant to go Greek.  I like my yogurt and eat it every weekday both plain and in my daily fruit/yogurt smoothies. ...

Bobble Bots Moshi Monsters Blog Review & Giveaway

Bobble Bots Moshi Monsters Blog Review & Giveaway  About Bobble Bots (from sponsor)From the creators of HEXBUG® Micro Robotic Creatures comes an all-new buzzing, explorative, and collectible line of toys with customizable playsets. Set to launch spring 2012, Innovation First International teamed up with Mind Candy - the entertainment...

Friday, April 6, 2012

What is a mother worth?

What is a mother worth? That’s a question we’ve been asking ourselves a lot recently; in fact, it actually caused a bit of an argument here in the office – it got pretty nasty, in honesty. We decided that before we came to blows, there was only one thing to do: ask our life cover team to see if they could settle the argument (and decide...

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Balance Bike Benefits

Balance Bike Benefits by Sherry Mabry  April is Autism Awareness Month.  During the month of April, Balance Bikes 4 Kids will donate $5 from the purchase of every bike to Autism Speaks, a non-profit organization dedicated to the treatment and cure of Autism.  There are millions of kids and parents who deal with the challenging...

Guest Post: Are you a Spender or a Saver and What this Could Mean to your Family

Are you a Spender or a Saver and What this Could Mean to your Family  Spending habits directly impact the well being of the entire family. It is important to determine which type of money handler each adult in the household is in order to make changes which achieve the most comfortable financial situation as possible. The three groups are spenders, savers and even keeled. After discovering what category each person is...

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Maggie’s Direct Hotel Collection = great deals and a giveaway! (Review)

 Maggie’s Direct Hotel Collection = great deals and a giveaway!  (Review) Last week I introduced you all to a great online shopping site, Maggie's Direct, who was generous enough to giveaway a $25 site credit to one of my readers, there is still time to enter!!  Today I am going to tell you about their synthetic pillows from...

Guest Post: Moving Out of Mom's

Moving Out of Mom's Thanks for the post, Vernon Lowe I am moving out of my mom’s house for the first time, and she is so worried about me. I know I will be fine, but she is constantly offering words of advice. I appreciated it at first, but now she is starting to become annoying. She keeps on trying to tell me what to do once I move out, when I am moving our precisely so that I don’t have to listen to her anymore. Everyone...

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//PART 2