
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Christmas Has Come and Gone

I can hardly believe that Christmas is over, it seems to have come and gone so fast.  Since I am out of work this year, my husband and I decided to forgo exchanging gifts between each other and just focus on our daughter.  Our daughter did secretly get her daddy a gift and it seems Santa thought I was a good girl this year...

Are You Pair Savvy? How to pair Cheese and Wine.

Are you Pair Savvy?  I'll tell you now that I am not.  I have always wanted to know how to pair wine (or beer) with different foods and cheeses.  Well guess what, they have an App for that! and just in time for all the holiday parties. Pair Savvy is a user-friendly application that works on both iPhone and Android devices...

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


What’s Santa Claus like? He’s just like us: Toys For Tots needs your help to put thousands of gifts in the hands of childrens and teens this holiday season. Coca-Cola is making it easier by asking people to donate their My Coke Rewards points to help generate gifts for underprivileged kids. COCA-COLA® DONATES $120,000 TO TOYS FOR TOTS...

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Finally a Flash Sale Group For Outdoor Enthusiasts!

By now, I am sure you have all seen and joined (if not, feel free to use my links) many of the flash sale groups where they offer quick (24-72 hours usually) sales where you can save up to 70% on merchandise. There are so many that I could spend all day looking at the great sales.  Here are some of my favorites! For men's and women's...

Monday, December 20, 2010

Still Need To Get Your Holiday Do? Check Out Today'd myEZdeal!

You deserve to be spoiled!  $49 for your choice of beauty treatment at Chameleon Salon ($99 value and BOTH choices include haircut and style) Choose between 2 relaxing treatments to restore shine and health to your hair!  ..This ezdeal includes: Get ready to be spoiled... You know you deserve it! Choose between: A Clear Shine...

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Colic and Gas in Newborns

With my daughter's second birthday coming up next month, I can not believe that two years has gone by so fast.  Lately I am finding myself looking at photos and thinking about the early days.  Before she was born my husband and I discussed how we both were concerned with the amounts of chemicals in foods and bath products. ...

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Give Back with

Shopping online this season?  Why not have a percentage of your purchases go towards charity.  What is GiveBack?  GiveBack is a site where you can create your own personal giving foundation.  You can donate money to your own foundation and get an immediate tax deduction and you can fund your account by shopping...

Do You Know "America's Most Amazingly Energized Woman"?

This holiday season, the makers of Centrum® multivitamins and Molly Shannon are in search of “America’s Most Amazingly Energized Woman” and they want your help! In celebration of women who live life and love to the fullest by staying healthy and energized, even during the busiest time of the year, Centrum® is kicking off a new...

Monday, December 13, 2010

2010 Holiday Gift Guide Winners List

Winners are usually posted on the Winners Page but since there are so many Holiday Gift Guide contests that ended last night, I decided to put them all in a special Holiday Gift Guide Winner post. I hope you all had fun and enjoyed the 2010 Over Thirty Mommy Holiday Gift Guide.  I had a blast and learned some new things that will...

Thursday, December 9, 2010

NBC's "Community" Stop-Motion Animated Christmas Episode

NBC's "Community," is a comedy series about a band of misfits who attend Greendale Community College.  It is only fitting that since they are "misfits", they created an animated holiday special. The Community holiday special, Abed's Uncontrollable Christmas, will air on Thursday December 9th at 8 pm EST/ 7pm CST.   The...

Monday, December 6, 2010

Dremel Multi-Max Oscilating Tool Review and Giveaway (and helpful tips!)

I admit it, I am a woman that knows very little about the tools my husband is always putting on his Christmas wish list.  If you are anything like me, you stand in the middle of the tool aisle with a blank stare on your face and a glazed look in your eye until a wonderful sales person comes to your rescue. Now that I am a stay at home...

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