
Friday, February 12, 2010

Rainbow Brite Review and Giveaway CLOSED

 Rainbow Brite is back!!!

Rainbow Brite is the next of the mid 80's toys to get a makeover and make a comeback.  

History of Rainbow Brite

Hallmark first introduced the Rainbow Brite brand about 25 years ago.  Originally named Wisp, Rainbow Brite made her animated debut in 1984 on a prime-time special, "Peril in the Pits,".  She, along with her white sprite Twink and flying horse Starlite, got their own show in April of 1986.   While the show only lasted one season, the Rainbow Brite dolls were loved by girls all over the world for many years.  Rainbow Brite dolls were originally made by Mattel from 1984 - 1986.  

Up up & Away attempted a relaunch in 1996 complete with an updated look (removing her trademark star) and all new "Friends".  

In 2003 Rainbow Brite was re-released by HotTopic as a 20th Anniversary doll.  The 20th Anniversary doll was replicated nearly exactly like the 1983 Mattel dolls. 

Return of an Icon:

Being revamped for her 25th Anniversary, her look has been updated.  She is taller and thinner (and looks darn good for her age) but her star has returned.  She is joined in Rainbow Land by her two friends Moonglow and Tickled Pink, and their companion horse friends Starlite, Shimmer and Sunriser. 

You can visit Rainbow Brite online at www.RainbowBrite.Com to view four new Rainbow Brite animated episodes. The animated episode Return to Rainbow Land explains Rainbow Brite's long absence from Rainbow Land.

Rainbow Brite fashion dolls are currently available at Target and are scheduled to be released at Toys R' Us later this month.

I was recently sent a set of Rainbow Brite activity CD's.  Each CD contains games, puzzles, coloring pages and a mini story about Rainbow Brite.

Thanks to MomSelect, I have 5 Rainbow Brite activity CD's to giveaway to my readers.

How to Enter:
Leave a comment here about your favorite childhood toy or cartoon
Extra Entries:
You must complete the mandatory entry before doing any extra entries.

  • Follow Over Thirty Mommy publicly (join followers on right-hand sidebar)
  • Subscribe to Over Thirty Mommy via Reader or email.
  • Follow Over Thirty Mommy on Twitter and tweet about this review/giveaway. (leave link to tweet)
  • Grab my Blog Button, let me know in your comment where I can find it (3 entries).
  • Comment on a non-contest post, let me know which article in your comment. (up to 2 entries for this one) 
  • Blog about the giveaway on your site and link back to Over Thirty Mommy and Rainbow Brite (leave a link to your post in comment) (3 entries!!!)
  • Add Over Thirty Mommy to your Technorati Favorites. Then leave a comment telling me you did so and under what username.  Add to Technorati Favorites 2 entries)

Please leave a separate comment for each entry.  Good luck!

Winner will be chosen via a Random Drawing.  Winners that I am unable to contact or one who does not claim their prize within 72 hours of being sent their winning email notification will forfeit their prize.

Giveaway ends midnight PST on  March 5th
This giveaway is open to U.S. addresses only. You do not need to be a blogger to enter, but you must have a valid email address and be age 18 years or older. If you enter anonymously and fail to include a valid email address in your comment entries, I will not be able to notify you should you win this random drawing.

**Disclaimer: I was not paid in any form of cash for this posting.  
I received the Rainbow Brite Activity CDs from MomSelect. This is solely the opinion of Over Thirty Mommy. Other people may have different experiences with the product.** 


cpullum said... 1

The Barbie Dream House!!! And my E.T. Doll!

Darcie K. said... 2

I loved Gem when I was growing up. (Gem, Gem is truly outrageous, truly, truly outrageous...)

Darcie K. said... 3

I follow Over Thirty mommy publicly

Darcie K. said... 4

I subscribe via email

Joshlin said... 5

I was a smurfs girl. I loved Rainbow Brite too.
savingmomssanity at gmail dot com

Erin said... 6

I was a she-ra girl. Following you from Friday Follows

jakiesmom said... 7

i loved strawberry shortcake and barbie

Michelle said... 8

My favorite toy was a little white dog that had a leash and a button you pressed to walk it. Unfortunately, it didn't last very long. It stopped working soon after I got it. :P

Anonymous said... 9

I had a nice collection of Barbie dolls as a kid.

rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com

Sheila Hickmon said... 10

I was hooked on He-man! I also loved My Little Pony's!
Thanks for the giveaway!

Nicole C. said... 11

I loved my Barbie dolls.


Maude Lynn said... 12

I loved Barbie!

Talina said... 13

Actually, I loved rainbow bright as a kid! I could sing you the theme song. It would be cool to give my daughter rainbow bright so she could cherish this character too.


Talina said... 14


Anonymous said... 15

Barbies all the way...I had the dream house and pool.

Jessica said... 16

My favorite toys growing up include: My Little Pony, Cabbage Patch Dolls, Popples, Teddy Rupskin (spelling?), and of course Rainbow Brite! It is funny, because now many of these toys are being re-released for my children to enjoy. Thank you for the chance!

girlygirlugh at gmail dot com

Jessica said... 17

I am a follower!

girlygirlugh at gmail dot com

Jessica said... 18

I am an email subscriber.

girlygirlugh at gmail dot com

Jessica said... 19

I now follow you on twitter and I tweeted!

girlygirlugh at gmail dot com

Heavenly Savings said... 20

My favorite Childhood toy was Rainbow!!! I never seen her cartoon but I had her doll and loved it!

Heavenly Savings said... 21

Follow your blog on Google friend!
Krista W.

Heavenly Savings said... 22

Have your button!

Heavenly Savings said... 23

Have your button!

Heavenly Savings said... 24

Have your button!

Bombtastic Belle said... 25

I loved my CareBear's and New Kids on the Block dolls, lol

Unknown said... 26

my favorite childhood toys were raggaty ann doll and erector sets.

Angela R. said... 27

While I loved Rainbow Brite, I was a Smurfs girl all the way.

Michelle said... 28

My favorite childhood toy was my barbie collection!

mandm_2002 at hotmail dot com

Jess said... 29

My favorite toys growing up were the older version of the fisher price little people...I still think they are great now!

Anonymous said... 30

I loved my little pony:)
miamichickens at yahoo dot com

Melissa said... 31

oh wow we soo want one of tese! pick us please! we havent seen them in stores yet!!

Mama Snow said... 32

I always loved My Little Ponies!

snowbabe81 (at) hotmail

Mama Snow said... 33

Follow on Twitter (Mama_Snow)

snowbabe81 (at) hotmail

Anonymous said... 34

Hey! You couldn't get me away from my barbies! Thanks for the chance! Paula

Melissa B. said... 35

My favorite toy was Barbie, favorite cartoon was Ed Grimley.

Miranda Ward said... 36

strawberry shortcake


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