
Wednesday, September 16, 2009

They Grow So Fast!

Wiggle Bean will be eight months next week.  How can it have been eight months since her birth?  It seems like just yesterday, we were in the hospital recovering from my nightmare delivery (but that is a stoyr for another time)

I am amazed how fast she grows and learns.  When she was born, she was 7 pounds 8ounces now she is almost 17 pounds.

Last week she could not sit up on her own (she could sit but could not push herself up from a lying position).  Saturday, I laid her on the bed in her room and ran back to my room to get her wipes.  When I got back she was sitting.  I was shocked and confused as to how she did it.  I thought that maybe she rolled up on the pillow and used that to sit up but then I had her on the play mat in the living room and watched her roll onto her side and push herself up.  I was so excited!

She has not begun crawling on hands and knees yet, but put that girl on her belly and she can army crawl at lightening speeds.  Why do they always crawl towards the one thing in the room that is dangerous.  Her new favorite "toy" in the living room is the ottoman to my glider chair.

She seems like she wants to just skip the crawling thing altogether and move right on to walking.  She prefers standing over sitting and being on her belly.  She can pull her self up to a standing position with the help of her toys, the coffee table, and the railing of her crib.

The first time I caught her pulling herself up in the crib, I panicked.  She was trying to stand on the bumper pads to get higher.  I know there is controversy about bumper pads but I like them and they help her.  After the pulling up episode, I immediately removed them and she would get her leg caught between the bars while sleeping (that girl is all over the place when sleeping).  Due to this, I compromised and put them back in but tucked them way down close to the top of the mattress so that she can not slide her foot out and can not stand on them.

She has been saying DaDa for a week or so now.  Don't even get me started on how upset I was that she said DaDa first.   I have been trying to get her to say Mama since I brought her home.  Monday, I was home with her since daycare was closed and all the sudden I hear MOM. Clear as day, MOM!  Then all day it was Mom, Mom, MOM MOM MOM MOM!!!!  I am so happy, I love hearing it.  She gets all excited and claps.

I mentioned the latest accomplishments to her daycare lady to "warn" her about the army crawl and the sitting up.  What does she say, Oh yeah she was doing that last week.  WHAT?  Man, I miss everything!

If we did not need for me to have a paycheck, I would stay home with her (at least part time) in an instant.  I like interacting with my co-workers but I love spending time with my daughter more.  Maybe they will let me telecommute!  Probably not (I already asked and they said no).

Sometimes I wonder if working is worth it, I feel like she is growing up right before my eyes and I hate missing these moments.  It is times like these that I wish I lived in Canada and got to spend a year with her. 


Mommies Time Out Today said... 1

I know how you feel. My daughter is 16 months old now and I can't believe what a difference a year can make. They get big fast! Don't push the walking thing. It's all over then. That's when they really find trouble and your sitting days to chill out are over! But enjoy!

Theta Mom said... 2

They do grow soooo fast, don't they???

Clueless_Mama said... 3

I have an 8 month old daughter too. We should get them together and have army crawl races. LOL Nice to meet you ;)

Sande said... 4

Makes me all hormonal looking at her photo ....

.... said from a mom with an addiction to babies :)

Maria @ Conversations with Moms said... 5

I really enjoyed reading your post. I can relate to every single word. My second son is already 10 months and I wonder about where the time went all the time.

My oldest son's first word was DaDa, but my second son's first word was MaMa. It was so much sweeter.

Jessica said... 6

It is crazy how fast the babies grow up. She is a cutie, too...and bumper pads. They are so great, and so bad, at the same time...oh, and don't forget SO DARN CUTE!

Alice in Wonderland said... 7

Just popped over from Clueless Momma to say a big Hi to you! I don't have any children yet, but I'd love to one day! I lost my husband in a car accident almost 4 years ago, but I'm only 30 and two months, so I hope that it won't be too long before I find someone else to settle down with. Your daughter is so adorable, that I want one of my own! Almost everyone I know has one so I want one too!
Big hugs to you all!

♥Jennette♥ said... 8

Great blog - I'm following from MBC!

mudmama said... 9

Precious! Curious about your nightmare delivery (I just wrote a book about mine :) )
Following you from MBC, pls come visit!

Angela said... 10

They really do grow fast. :)

Following from the MBC. you can find my blog at

Xenia said... 11

What a cutie! The first time my 9-month-old pulled up in her crib I hadn't lowered the mattress yet and raced up there because I thought she was going to fall right out! Also, my first said Dada first so I made sure to say Mama enough with the second so that it was her first word. A little encouragement can't hurt, right?

Following you from MBC...

Little Miss Olivia said... 12

I love wiggle bean!


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