
Friday, September 18, 2009

Hosting a Baby Shower

My sister is having a baby in January and  I am hosting a baby shower for her in November.  Don't tell her but I have no idea what I am doing.  She threw me a fantastic shower last year before I had my baby and I want to do something just as nice (if not nicer!!! we are not at all competitive!) for her.

I co-hosted a shower for her when she had her first son, 7 years ago.  It was a poor excuse for a shower.  My only excuse is that I did not have kids at the time and neither did any of her friends so I had no idea what I was doing.  For her second son, our mom told her she could not have a shower.  I know there is shower etiquet about showers for subsequent children but she got rid of all her baby stuff after her second child and needs to start over.  Also, I think she deserves a proper baby shower.

Kimberly at has graciously offered to design and provide me invitations to match my sister's nursery theme.  I will will do a full review about them after I get the final design but I am sure they are going to be adorable!

So what I need is your tips for how to host the best baby shower ever.  Games? Location? Prizes? Decorations? Food? Basically Everything!  HELP!!!!! I am lost (Don't tell my sister!)


MommiesTimeOutToday said... 1

Hello there! At my sister's shower we played the baby food game. People get a kick out of this one. Pick a few people (or everyone if you have enough baby food) to come up and be blindfolded. They have to taste different baby foods and tell you what kind it is. Get some fruit one bc they aren't so gross and make sure you get at least one meat one bc they really hate those and their expressions after they taste it is priceless. The people who aren't tasting have fun bc they love to see the ofther people expressions while trying the foods.

mudmama said... 2

Hi! Here is one that I found touching, I did it at my BFFs shower and she in turn did it at mine. A "wish necklace" where you bring a string and beads and ask each guest to say their wish for the mom and baby as they put the bead on the string (makes for an emotional shower!) and then the dad wears the strand of beads (carrying everyones good wishes) into the labor and delivery room! Love it!
That is the main one I can think of for now, but if I think of more I will let you know.
Thanks for your kind words about my dads song and for coming by! :)

Emma @ Outmumbered said... 3

Hi. I just noticed on mom bloggers club that you were looking for someone to make you a fab button fo your site. Well I have a blog design business and can make you a button (and grab me link) for $8.50.

Come stop by my design blog and have a look!

One with many names said... 4

That's so nice that you are going to throw a shower for her. I've never thrown a baby shower so I have no real ideas... but it's nice to meet you :)

I hopped over from MBC.

Ronnie said... 5

I'm sure that the shower will be lovely. When you have good friends and good food gathered what can go wrong? Found you through MBC--now following you. Please visit me at


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