
Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Date Night!

Woo Hoo!  Hubby and I got our first night out since Wiggle Bean joined the family.  Ok, so we did go out for dinner for our 10 year anniversary but we were only gone an hour.   My sister volunteered to come up to our place to watch Wiggle Bean Friday night while hubby and I had date night for his birthday.  THANK YOU!!! It was much needed relaxing adult time.  Date Night ended up turning in to hang out with some of Hubby's friends from back home but it was still nice.

We thought and thought about what we wanted to do with our evening as a couple.  I knew I wanted to go to dinner. I tried to get him to agree to take me to a movie but he is anti movie theater movies.  He thinks they are to expensive and a rip off (OK, they are but it is still nice to go once in a while)  We finally settled on putting some major smack down on the all-you-can eat shrimp at Red  Lobster  and then playing it by ear for the remainder of the evening.  Things changed Thursday night when he got a text message (a little last minute!) from a buddy, from Wyoming, who was flying in Friday for a weekend wedding.  Him and his wife wanted to get together to "catch up".   So we changed our plans and met them at the Chapel Pub in Portland.

We have been fans of many of the McMenamins Hotels and Pubs for quite some time and wanted to check out the latest addition.  The Chapel Pub is located in the renovated Little Chapel of Chimes.  It was originally Wilson Chambers funeral home.  The McMenamin brothers open many of their pubs and hotels in old renovated buildings with interesting pasts.  The Edgefield Hotel used to be an insane asylum and The Kennedy School was actually an Elementary school that opened in 1915.  The list goes on and on, I could do an entire post just about their neat places but that is not what this post is about , so back on track!

While on the way to meet the friends, we talked to hubby's brother who was also an acquaintance of the guests so him and his girlfriend.  So just like that we went from date night to double date night to group gathering.  We still had a great time.  The out of town friends were both well on their way to tipsy when we met up.  The wife was a little on the loud side but her and I had a great time.  We talked about our kids, swapped photos and made fun of the boys and their stories of old.  We shared a bottle of wine (my first since before getting pregnant) and had a great time.  I was feeling a little tipsy after my first glass but since it was my night off, I went ahead and had a glass or two more.  We could not waste the bottle!  Man, I am a light weight now.

*** For anyone thinking I am a bad mom for drinking alcohol, I did not nurse my daughter after getting home.  I waited the recommended amount of time for the alcohol to leave my system before nursing.  I had set aside bottles for her in anticipation of having a drink or two***

We got home around 11:00 (I know not that late but it was our first outing!) and Wiggle Bean was already in bed.  I missed tucking her in but made up for it when she got up in the night to feed.

Just wanted to give a huge THANKS to my sister for watching Wiggle Bean for the evening.  It might not have been the date night I planned but it was still nice to get out and interact with adults.


Shari@aPsychMommy said... 1

Woohoo for date night! Those times are really precious!

Daisy @ Lil Hiccups said... 2

Oh I need a date night too we haven't had one yet but planning one for next saturday! WHOOT!

Glad you have fun!

Thanks for visiting!


Shop with Me Mama said... 3

yeah for a date night! Me and hubby NEED one of those too! We have not in sooo long! Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving me a sweet comment :) Have a wonderful night!!

Nicole Feliciano said... 4

Love date night!


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