
Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Early Potty Training

Has any one tried early potty training?  What is a good age to start?

I ask because this weekend I purchased the Baby Bjorn Potty Chair in pink of course.  My intention was to get Wiggle Bean acquainted with having the potty around so that when we were ready to start potty training it would not be a new thing to her.   Saturday evening she started making her push face (and noises) so I thought it would be interesting to see what happened if I put her on the potty.  

She was a little confused at first but it only took a few moments for her to return to the task at hand.  I was shocked when she actually pooped in the potty.  I did not really count it as potty training since she was already pushing on her own before I got her on the potty but it was still exciting. 

I was confused what to do next.  I did not think that through.  After the poo was in there, I was lost with what to do.  It took a minuted but I figured it out.  I know, it should have been a no brainer but it was my first time, cut me some slack!

Today when we got home from work, I took her to the bathroom with me and put her on her potty.  I told her that mommy was going to go pee pee in the big potty and asked her if she was going to go in her potty.  To my shock and amazement she looked at me and then started going potty.

I spent the next ten minutes running around with her giddy about her going potty.  We cheered and laughed.  I texted my sisters and told them and ran to meet my husband at the door to tell him when he got home.

I know that it was probably a timing thing more than a start to potty training but it is a step in the right direction (I think!).

Can you start potty training at 8 months?  Should I keep putting her on her potty or wait until she is older to do actual potty training?  Any good potty training tips are greatly appreciated.


Ang said... 1

You are doing wonderfully. We have just started with #3 around here and he is over 2. lol I would continue to do exactly what you are doing. Having her go potty is all timing, first thing when she gets up, before nap, after nap, and before bed are good times to start with. For my 1st we did the same thing to get him to go poop in the potty, my husband caught him and put him on the potty. Worked out great!! It is never too early when they are showing signs.

Unknown said... 2

Very cool mama, although I would also guess it's more of a timing tactic but whatever works. Your actually using the idea behind EC (elimination communication) which some parents start super EARLY (I'm talking within the first three months of life!). NOT ME....

We bought Bianca a potty at a year old and put it in the bathroom, I did not really make a big deal out of it to begin with but as time went on I would bring her in with me and mention how mommy had to go peepee on the "big girl" potty. Around 18 months she had mastered the feeling of having to go PP, now Caca is a whooooole different story. Your first try was a caca.....Good for you (high five siter, I'm waaaay jealous).

As a mind reader(or an experienced potty trainer) I forsee many, many more interesting "activites" that revolve around the potty (hide your valuables :)).

BTW thanks for stopping by the other day, Meggy and I both had wonderful birthdays!


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//PART 2