
Saturday, September 26, 2009

Fisher-Price Customer Service

 I wanted to give a big kudos to Fisher-Price and their customer service. 

We have almost the entire Rainforest collection for our daughter (excluding the play yard that was recalled).  One of her favorite things is the Peek-A-Boo Waterfall Soother for her crib.  Lately it has been getting difficult to turn it on so I figured that maybe the batteries needed to be replaced.  Of course I did not have the batteries that I needed so I had to go to the store to get more.  Man, I need to buy stock in batteries!

I gave my husband the batteries and asked him to change them for her.  He came out and his hand was wet.  He thought it felt sticky and said that it was the liquid from inside the waterfall soother.   The crib was dry but there was practically no liquid left in the toy. 

Since the liquid felt sticky, we removed the toy from her crib.  I figured that the liquid was safe (after all it is a childs toy) but I was not going to take any chances.   On September 12th, I called Fisher-Price's customer service line and talked with a very nice lady.  I informed her that the liquid was leaking out of the toy and I was jsut curious as to what it was for saftey reasons. 

She assured me that it was just colored water and 100% non-toxic.   Then she did something that surprised me.  She told me that she was going to send me a mailing label to return the straps from the toy.  Once they received the straps they would send me a new waterfall soother free of charge. 

I did not even mention wanting a new toy.  I was just concerned that the liquid was safe for my daughter.

I had the mailing label in my inbox  within a few hours.  It took me a few days to get the straps in the mail.  I mailed it out around Friday the 18th, on the 21st I received an email that they received it and that they would email me again when it shipped.  Wednesday the 23rd, I received a notice that they shipped it and yesterday it arrived on my doorstep.

I was impressed with not only how fast they processed the "claim" but that they were the ones to offer me a replacement.

Even better, I still have the original that even though it does not have any water left, still works.  Now she has that one to play with in the living room, since it has no straps, and one for her crib.

It is hard to find great customer service these days, especially from some of the larger companies.  Fisher-Price has definitely surprised me with their outstanding customer service.  Thanks to them my daughter has a new working Waterfall soother, we like to call it her TV.  She loves watching her TV.


Ang said... 1

Wow!!! That was wonderful of them to send you a new toy. I like to hear about good customer service stories.

Unknown said... 2

Isn't it wonderful when a company stands behind their product and corrects a mishap like that?

Kudos to Fisher Price!

Lisa @
All That and a Box of Rocks

One with many names said... 3

Excellent customer service is sooo nice :)

Thanks for the follow. I've followed you :)

Anonymous said... 4

Wow... What a great site.
I love all your posts. All mom's should links to your blog.... what a wonderful idea.

Keep up the great work.


KristinFilut said... 5

I forgot about recalls and their severity. It's awesome to find a company that will stand behind it's product!

Found you on MBC, I'm following you!

Momrempel said... 6

Wow, what great customer service. That is wonderful...

I found you on MBC, i am following you:)

Kim Jackson said... 7

Great customer service goes along way. It can be rare to find now.

following from MBC

Kris said... 8

I like the layout of your blog. So I wanted to give you the "One Lovely Blog Award". Please come over and check it out

Have a wonderful day!!!


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