
Sunday, September 14, 2008


PR Welcome!Get Your Product Reviewed and in front of Moms across the country Hello product owners and PR/marketing companies, As you know word of mouth marketing can do wonders for any product and moms across the world love to share thoughts on products we like and being part of the mom blogging community. I’d love to share your product with the mom community.   After all, Moms do tend to be the shoppers in the...

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Contact Us

Over Thirty Mommy has an active and growing readership via Twitter, Facebook, RSS feeds, email subscriptions and Google Friend Connect.  I have sponsorship, advertising, review/giveaway and other opportunities available. If you would like to advertise on Over Thirty Mommy, have a product you would like me to review, would like to sponsor a giveaway or offer a discount, or have any comments, questions, or suggestions,...

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