
Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Wordless Wednesday - Sunday Paper

Wiggle Bean was "helping" me read the Sunday paper.


Danielle said... 1

We have a few of these helpers at our house. The first one being my 8 year old. He pulls the newspaper out and destroys it to find the comics!

KarieK said... 2

HAHA don't you love when they "help" you read.

Happy WW!

Jennifer said... 3

She is adorable! Great photo.

Jana said... 4

She's too cute! My daughter has a thing for the news paper, and magazines too!

collyn23 said... 5

oh my kids do that too such fun but such a mess to clean up lol

Cassie said... 6

What a smart girl! Can she do the crossword puzzles? haha

Momma Lyngheim said... 7

I love how she has a cell phone and her snacks close by!

Tina said... 8

too if she could just help cut and organize the coupons!!
happy W.W.

Pineapple Princess said... 9

I am enjoying your wonderful blog. I am a new follower!! Just hopping by from MBC. I hope you have a great day!

Anonymous said... 10

How totally cute is that... the look on her face ~ priceless!
She's adorable ;)

2Wired2Tired said... 11


I like your blog. Found you through Mom Bloggers Follow Group. I'm now following and looking forward to reading more.

Ang said... 12

I Love it!! What a great helper you have there.

Thank You for your kind words on my pregnancy and infant loss remembrance day post.


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