
Monday, October 26, 2009

Our First Halloween!

I am so excited for Wiggle Bean's first Halloween, even though we will not be going out Trick-or-Treating.

I shopped for weeks for the perfect costume.  What should she be? A fairy, a princess, maybe a bunny or a lion.  After much deliberation I decided on a ladybug.  Then I started looking at  the many different ladybug costumes.  Who knew there were so many ladybug costumes.  So now the search for the cutest ladybug costume begins.  I finally picked the super adorable Ladybug tutu costume from The Children's Place.  It is so cute with a little booty tutu, antennas and little tights with heart spots.

I finally found and ordered the one I want Saturday and it arrived in the mail today and I could not wait to try it on her.  We raced to the back and changed into it so that we could show Daddy how cute it was (since he had no input in to the costume selection).

Here it is, what do you think?


She sure makes a cute Wiggle Bug!


Momma Lyngheim said... 1

oh my goodness, that is the most adorable lady bug I have ever seen!!!

ALM Chandler said... 2

Oooh - sweet little ladybugs make me smile!

Daddy Forever said... 3

She's cute. Lucky for us, we don't have to buy costumes for our youngest kids. Thank goodness for hand-me-downs.


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