
Monday, October 26, 2009


I was so excited this evening when I logged in and saw that I had reached 100 followers.  I had heard of blogging but never really put much thought in to is.   After I had my baby in January, I started reading mommy blogs for advise and parenting tips and tricks.  I had so much fun reading blogs while I was on maternity leave that I decided I wanted to start my own blog.  In May I told my husband that I thought it would be fun and a great way for me to have an outlet for my thoughts.

He kind of laughed and did not say much about it.  I was not really sure how to go about starting a bolg or how to get others to notice my blog since there are so many out there.  I did some research and in July started my own blog. 

My first follower was my sister (thank you for being my first follower) She was there cheering me on every time I made a post and gained another follower.   We were excited together when I gained my second follower, we were giddy when I hit 10 and celebrated when I reached 25, 50 and 75.  It has been great having someone so excited for me.   She will soon be joining me at Over Thirty Mommy (even though she is not over 30, Yet!).  She will be assisting with reviews that are geared towards newborns and boys.  She has 2 boys and another on the way.

I want to thank all my followers for sticking with me, I know I do not post on a regular schedule and I am working on getting better at that. 

Stay tuned, I am going to put together a special giveaway for all my loyal followers to celebrate reaching 100+ followers.


Unknown said... 1

Congrats on reaching 100 followers!
One day soon I will get there too.
:) Hope your day is wonderful.

Grizzly Bear said... 2

Congrats! Still trying to get there :)

That is awesome, keep up the good work!

Momma Lyngheim said... 3


mudmama said... 4

Congratz!!! That is so great! (I am at 91, and hope to reach that goal soon) How nice you and your sis are sharing in the fun


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//PART 2