
Friday, October 9, 2009

Accepting the FTC Disclosure Guidelines with a Smile

The recent ruling from the FTC about disclosing our relationships with companies who have paid us to endorse or review products is a hot topic in the blog world.

Like most bloggers, I have a main disclosure on my website and I have recently begun adding a short, more specific, disclosure to the end of review/giveaway posts.

Some bloggers are mad about the new guidelines and some do not concern themselves with the new guidelines because they already disclose.

One blog that is definitely making the most of the new rules is Daddy Forever.  I have been reading his blog for a little while now. I was instantly hooked on his blog just by reading his "about me". It reads:

"Dad Blogger: Dad blog by a geek dad with 4 geeky kids. This dad blog features reviews, giveaways, and parenting advice that will ruin your kid's life."

His posts are interesting, funny, and sometimes very touching.  So I was not surprised today when I read his latest post about Daddy Scrubs.  What really got me today was the disclosure at the end of the post.

"Disclosure: I was wearing black and orange underwear when I wrote this review. However, I did not receive black and orange underwear or a set of DaddyScrubs as part of this review. I was also not compensated for wearing black and orange underwear or for writing this review of DaddyScrubs. And no, we're not planning on having another baby."

 Thanks for bringing a little humor to all the crazieness of these new FTC guidelines.

If you have room for one more blog on your reading list, please check out Daddy Forever.  If nothing else, his funny posts will give you a little boost on a down day!

**Disclosure: I was in no way compensated for writing this!   I have never met or talked to the Daddy from Daddy Forever.  I simple thought his post was hilarious (my own opinion, results might vary). **


Anonymous said... 1


Another great post.
Yes, the new guidlines has been a "hot topic" in the blogosphere for sure.

Thanks for putting a funny spin on it. I checked out "Daddy Forever"... great blog!!! Thanks for that as well.
There's always room for another great place to visit!!!
Have a great weekend. You rock! And thanks for all my "comment love" that you have been sending my way. You are one great lady. I'm so glad we met! :)

Daddy Forever said... 2

Wow, thanks for the kind words. I didn't even think people would bother reading the disclosure.


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