
Thursday, October 25, 2012

Mom's Help

Mom's Help
Thanks for the post from Sylvester Campbell

My mom is the best person I know. She’s brave, strong and she always has the best advice which are just a few of the reasons I love her. She was so helpful over the past year when I was buying my first house and it was all at the same time she was battling cancer. She’s had breast cancer twice, actually, and now she’s in remission and I couldn’t be happier. Mom knows about things like who to talk to when I need to get my water meter recalibrated and how to go to when I needed to find a better rate on my electricity. Mom’s my best friend and when she got sick I was so unprepared for the flood of emotions it would bring on. It was like I went from an all-time high (I had just graduated from college at the time) to the worst day of my life all within a couple of weeks…who knew? And the funny thing is that this time around the day she went back to the doctor to find out her cancer was in remission was the exact same day I closed on my house. I totally believe in fate and karma, I can tell you that! Mom’s really excited for me to get settled into my new place and it’s her support I cherish most of all. Though I do have to say, the way she knows about so MANY different things is really useful, too. It’s like having a life coach and real estate agent rolled into one without having to pay for it, you know what I mean? My mother is my best friend in the world and when she’s healthy and happy, I’m healthy and happy. I’m an only child which is part of the reason we’re so close but mostly I just think it’s because my mom raised me to be the kind of woman she is, too.



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//PART 2