I talked to daycare and we are working on setting a regular nap schedule. Well as regular as you can get with a 7 month old. She was never really the best at napping and would often go with out any naps during the day.
Now that we are regulating naps at daycare, she seems to be going to bed a little earlier than usual. She has been wanting her bedtime bottle early and falling asleep between 7:30 and 8:00. Sometimes (like in the photo above) she does not even make it to the bottle and passes out while we are waiting for it to finish warming up.
She is waking up more during the night lately, around 3 times now when she was only getting up once, but she is going right back to sleep most of the time.
She is so peaceful when she is sleeping (see below) that it totally makes up for all the nights of interrupted sleep and the 2:30 AM feedings.

(she is not in her own bed, unlike the bed in the photo, her crib is free of excess blankets). She does take her baby bear with her to bed, no matter where she sleeps)
I wanted to thank everyone that made suggestions and gave tips on my post I need Sleep!!!
I really appreciate you each taking the time to stop by and give me advice and encouragement. I even appreciated the comments about how long your babies slept poorly. Those comments made me feel less alone and helped ease my anxiety that it might be caused by something I was doing wrong.

(she is not in her own bed, unlike the bed in the photo, her crib is free of excess blankets). She does take her baby bear with her to bed, no matter where she sleeps)
I wanted to thank everyone that made suggestions and gave tips on my post I need Sleep!!!
I really appreciate you each taking the time to stop by and give me advice and encouragement. I even appreciated the comments about how long your babies slept poorly. Those comments made me feel less alone and helped ease my anxiety that it might be caused by something I was doing wrong.
Glad that everything is turning around for you! I just love these photos!
I'm glad you're getting a little bit more rest. It's tough when you have a nap-resister...my 3 yr old was one. I haven't read your other comments but I HIGHLY recommend Elizabeth Pantley's books "The No-Cry Sleep Solution" and "The No-Cry Nap Solution". Your sweet girl is precious!
Just remember each baby is different and each parent is different. We all have different styles that fit us better and we just have to go with the flow sometimes:).
She is adorbale! My first was and still is a terrible sleeper. The older she gets, the better she is. I hope you can find something that works for you. :)
Something about sleeping babies is just so serene. Glad she's sleeping better
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